Semeval-2016 Task 5: Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis M Pontiki, D Galanis, H Papageorgiou, I Androutsopoulos, S Manandhar, ... Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation …, 2016 | 3347* | 2016 |
Arabic sentiment analysis: Corpus-based and lexicon-based N Abdulla, N Mahyoub, M Shehab, M Al-Ayyoub Proceedings of The IEEE conference on Applied Electrical Engineering and …, 2013 | 418* | 2013 |
Deep Recurrent neural network vs. support vector machine for aspect-based sentiment analysis of Arabic hotels’ reviews M Al-Smadi, O Qawasmeh, M Al-Ayyoub, Y Jararweh, B Gupta Journal of computational science 27, 386-393, 2018 | 394 | 2018 |
The internet of energy: smart sensor networks and big data management for smart grid M Jaradat, M Jarrah, A Bousselham, Y Jararweh, M Al-Ayyoub Procedia Computer Science 56, 592-597, 2015 | 289 | 2015 |
Using long short-term memory deep neural networks for aspect-based sentiment analysis of Arabic reviews M Al-Smadi, B Talafha, M Al-Ayyoub, Y Jararweh International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics 10, 2163-2175, 2019 | 280 | 2019 |
SDIoT: a software defined based internet of things framework Y Jararweh, M Al-Ayyoub, A Darabseh, E Benkhelifa, M Vouk, A Rindos Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 6, 453-461, 2015 | 269 | 2015 |
The Future of Mobile Cloud Computing: Integrating Cloudlets and Mobile Edge Computing Y Jararweh, A Doulat, O AlQudah, E Ahmed, M Al-Ayyoub, E Benkhelifa 23rd International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT), 2016 | 268 | 2016 |
A comprehensive survey of arabic sentiment analysis M Al-Ayyoub, AA Khamaiseh, Y Jararweh, MN Al-Kabi Information processing & management 56 (2), 320-342, 2019 | 231 | 2019 |
Enhancing aspect-based sentiment analysis of Arabic hotels’ reviews using morphological, syntactic and semantic features M Al-Smadi, M Al-Ayyoub, Y Jararweh, O Qawasmeh Information Processing & Management 56 (2), 308-319, 2019 | 224 | 2019 |
Impact of digital fingerprint image quality on the fingerprint recognition accuracy MA Alsmirat, F Al-Alem, M Al-Ayyoub, Y Jararweh, B Gupta Multimedia Tools and Applications 78 (3), 3649-3688, 2019 | 219 | 2019 |
Deep learning for Arabic NLP: A survey M Al-Ayyoub, A Nuseir, K Alsmearat, Y Jararweh, B Gupta Journal of computational science 26, 522-531, 2018 | 190 | 2018 |
Lexicon-based sentiment analysis of Arabic tweets M Al-Ayyoub, SB Essa, I Alsmadi International Journal of Social Network Mining 2 (2), 101-114, 2015 | 174 | 2015 |
Software defined cloud: Survey, system and evaluation Y Jararweh, M Al-Ayyoub, E Benkhelifa, M Vouk, A Rindos Future Generation Computer Systems 58, 56-74, 2016 | 154 | 2016 |
A new collaborative filtering recommendation algorithm based on dimensionality reduction and clustering techniques H Zarzour, Z Al-Sharif, M Al-Ayyoub, Y Jararweh 2018 9th international conference on information and communication systems …, 2018 | 138 | 2018 |
Towards improving the lexicon-based approach for arabic sentiment analysis NA Abdulla, NA Ahmed, MA Shehab, M Al-Ayyoub, MN Al-Kabi, S Al-rifai Big Data: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, 1970-1986, 2016 | 133 | 2016 |
Multi-agent based dynamic resource provisioning and monitoring for cloud computing systems infrastructure M Al-Ayyoub, Y Jararweh, M Daraghmeh, Q Althebyan Cluster Computing 18, 919-932, 2015 | 128 | 2015 |
Paraphrase identification and semantic text similarity analysis in Arabic news tweets using lexical, syntactic, and semantic features M AL-Smadi, Z Jaradat, M Al-Ayyoub, Y Jararweh Information Processing & Management 53 (3), 640-652, 2017 | 125 | 2017 |
Accelerating compute intensive medical imaging segmentation algorithms using hybrid CPU-GPU implementations MA Alsmirat, Y Jararweh, M Al-Ayyoub, MA Shehab, BB Gupta Multimedia Tools and Applications 76, 3537-3555, 2017 | 120 | 2017 |
Near-optimal dynamic spectrum allocation in cellular networks AP Subramanian, M Al-Ayyoub, H Gupta, SR Das, MM Buddhikot 2008 3rd IEEE Symposium on New Frontiers in Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks …, 2008 | 120 | 2008 |
Parallel implementation for 3d medical volume fuzzy segmentation S AlZu’bi, M Shehab, M Al-Ayyoub, Y Jararweh, B Gupta Pattern Recognition Letters 130, 312-318, 2020 | 119 | 2020 |