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Elsje Scott
Elsje Scott
Emeritus Associate Professor of Information Systems, University of Cape Town
uct.ac.za üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
The fear factor: How it affects students learning to program in a tertiary environment
C Rogerson, E Scott
Journal of Information Technology Education: Research 9 (1), 147-171, 2010
From Requirements to Code: Issues and Learning in IS Students’ Systems Development Projects
E Scott
Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice JITE …, 2008
A Flipped Classroom Approach to Teaching Systems Analysis, Design and Implementation to Second Year Information Systems University Students
M Tanner, E Scott
Journal of Information Technology Education. Research 14, 219, 2015
Enhancing team performance through tool use: How critical technology-related issues influence the performance of virtual project teams
P Weimann, M Pollock, E Scott, I Brown
IEEE Transactions on professional communication 56 (4), 332-353, 2013
Changing the Communication Culture of Distributed Teams ina World Where Communication is Neither Perfect nor Complete
P Weimann, C Hinz, E Scott, M Pollock
Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation 13 (2), pp187‑196-pp187‑196, 2010
An empirical study on the use of the Sakai Learning Management System (LMS): Case of NUST, Zimbabwe
S Dube, E Scott
Proceedings of the e-skills for Knowledge Production and Innovation …, 2014
The skills gap as observed between IS graduates and the systems development industry–a South African Experience
E Scott, R Alger, S Pequeno, N Sessions
Informing Science, June 1, 1-9, 2002
Systems development group project: A real world experience
E Scott
Information Systems Education Journal 4 (23), 1-10, 2006
Information technology team projects in higher education: An international viewpoint
K Lynch, A Heinze, E Scott
Journal of Information Technology Education: Research 6 (1), 181-198, 2007
Effectiveness of Self-selected Teams: A Systems Development Project Experience.
E Scott, M Pollock
Issues in Informing Science & Information Technology 3, 2006
A Survey of the University Students' Perspectives about Using Digital Technologies in Education: Zimbabwean Case.
S Dube, E Scott
IAFOR Journal of Education 5 (1), 123-139, 2017
The alignment of software testing skills of IS students with industry practices–a South African perspective
E Scott, A Zadirov, S Feinberg, R Jayakody
Journal of Information Technology Education: Research 3 (1), 161-172, 2004
Motivating an action design research approach to implementing online training in an organisational context
C Rogerson, E Scott
Interactive Technology and Smart Education 11 (1), 32-44, 2014
Peer assessment: A complementary instrument to recognise individual contributions in IS student group projects
E Scott, N Van Der Merwe, D Smith
Special Addition of the Electronic Journal for Information Systems …, 2005
Using multiple approaches to assess student group projects
EC Scott, N Van der Merwe
The Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation 6 (2), 177-186, 2003
Attempts to Embed Green Values in the Information Systems Curriculum: A Case Study in a South African Setting
E Scott, C McGibbon, G Mwalemba
20th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS2012), 2012
Learning and making sense of project phenomena in information systems education
K Sewchurran, E Scott
Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on interaction sciences …, 2009
Reflection-in-action: Using experience to reconstruct meaning in a learning environment
E Scott, K Sewchurran
2008 International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering 5 …, 2008
Skills learnt during a systems development course: Graduate perceptions of skills transfer and industry alignment
L Seymour, E Scott, S Malamoglou, J Meyerowitz, A Morar
Director, 07, 2006
The organisational constraints of blending e-learning tools in education: Lecturers’ perceptions
S Dube, E Scott
Information Technology-New Generations: 14th International Conference on …, 2018
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