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Mike Voight
Mike Voight
Professor of Leadership, Sport Psychology CCSU
ccsu.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Sources of stress and coping strategies of US soccer officials
M Voight
Stress and Health: Journal of the International Society for the …, 2009
A Team-Building Intervention Program: Application and Evaluation with Two University Soccer Teams.
M Voight, J Callaghan
Journal of Sport Behavior 24 (4), 2001
Relationship between goal orientation, self-confidence and multidimensional trait anxiety among Mexican-American female youth athletes.
MR Voight, JL Callaghan, TA Ryska
Journal of Sport Behavior 23 (3), 2000
The use of sport psychology services at NCAA Division I universities from 1998-1999
M Voight, J Callaghan
The Sport Psychologist 15 (1), 91-102, 2001
Applying sport psychology philosophies, principles, and practices onto the gridiron: An interview with USC football coach Pete Carroll
M Voight, P Carroll
International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching 1 (4), 321-331, 2006
A leadership development intervention program: A case study with two elite teams
M Voight
The Sport Psychologist 26 (4), 604-623, 2012
Hamstring strain injury in athletes: clinical practice guidelines linked to the international classification of functioning, disability and health from the Academy of …
RL Martin, MT Cibulka, LA Bolgla, TA Koc Jr, JK Loudon, RC Manske, ...
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 52 (3), CPG1-CPG44, 2022
International consensus statement: methods for recording and reporting of epidemiological data on injuries and illnesses in golf
A Murray, A Junge, PG Robinson, M Bizzini, A Bossert, B Clarsen, ...
British journal of sports medicine 54 (19), 1136-1141, 2020
Improving the quality of Training: Coach and Player responsibilities
M Voight
Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance 73 (6), 43-48, 2002
Integrating mental-skills training into everyday coaching
M Voight
Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance 76 (3), 38-47, 2005
A structural model on the determinants and reactions to athlete dissatisfaction
M Voight, J Callaghan
International journal of sports science & coaching 1 (1), 37-51, 2006
Cross-sectional study of characteristics and prevalence of musculoskeletal complaints in 1170 male golfers
A Murray, A Junge, PG Robinson, B Clarsen, ML Mountjoy, T Drobny, ...
BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine 9 (1), 2023
DIY sport leadership development academies & institutes: An investigation of NCAA division I athletic departments
M Voight, A Hickey
The Sport Journal 24 (0), 00-00, 2016
Leadership education and development for strength and conditioning professionals and team leaders
M Voight
Strength & Conditioning Journal 36 (1), 52-62, 2014
Combating training-stress syndromes
M Voight
Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance 73 (3), 34-38, 2002
The 2022 International Society for Hip Preservation (ISHA) physiotherapy agreement on assessment and treatment of greater trochanteric pain syndrome (GTPS): an international …
A Disantis, AJ Andrade, A Baillou, N Bonin, T Byrd, A Campbell, B Domb, ...
Journal of hip preservation surgery 10 (1), 48-56, 2023
The leadership techniques and practices of elite collegiate strength and conditioning
M Voight, A Hickey, M Piper
Sport J 57, 1-12, 2017
Enhancing the quality of strength and conditioning training: A practical model
M Voight
Strength & Conditioning Journal 28 (3), 70-74, 2006
Benefits of leadership development in sport
M Voight
Olympic Coach 26 (2), 40-44, 2015
The sports leadership playbook: Principles and techniques for coaches and captains
M Voight
McFarland, 2014
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