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Dewi Apri Astuti .
Dewi Apri Astuti .
IPB University
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Fourier transform mid-infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy to identify tannin compounds in the panicle of sorghum mutant lines
T Wahyono, DA Astuti, IK Gede Wiryawan, I Sugoro, A Jayanegara
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 546 (4), 042045, 2019
Potential and utilization of Indigofera sp. shoot leaf meal as soybean meal substitution in laying hen diets.
R Palupi, L Abdullah, DA Astuti, S Sumiati
Determination of energy and protein requirements of sheep in Indonesia using a meta-analytical approach
A Jayanegara, M Ridla, DA Astuti, KG Wiryawan, EB Laconi, N Nahrowi
Media Peternakan 40 (2), 118-127, 2017
Protecting the environment through insect farming as a means to produce protein for use as livestock, poultry, and aquaculture feed
JK Tomberlin, A van Huis, ME Benbow, H Jordan, DA Astuti, D Azzollini, ...
Journal of Insects as Food and Feed 1 (4), 307-309, 2015
Sumiati. 2014. Potensi dan pemanfaatan tepung pucuk Indigofera sp. sebagai bahan pakan substitusi bungkil kedelai dalam ransum ayam petelur
R Palupi, L Abdullah, DA Astuti
Jitv 19 (3), 210-219, 0
Rumen fermentation, blood metabolites, and performance of sheep fed tropical browse plants
DA Astuti, AS Baba, IWT Wibawan
Media Peternakan 34 (3), 201-201, 2011
Kecernaan nutrien dan performa produksi sapi potong Peranakan Ongole (PO) yang diberi tepung lerak (Sapindus rarak) dalam ransum
S Suharti, DA Astuti, E Wina
JITV 14 (3), 200-207, 2009
In vitro antibacterial activity of black soldier fly (Hermetia Illucens) larva extracts against gram-negative bacteria
H Harlystiarini, R Mutia, IWT Wibawan, DA Astuti
Buletin Peternakan 43 (2), 125-129, 2019
Rumen microbial population in the in vitro fermentation of different ratios of forage and concentrate in the presence of whole lerak (Sapindus rarak) fruit extract
S Suharti, DA Astuti, E Wina, T Toharmat
Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 24 (8), 1086-1091, 2011
Performance, physiological status, and rumen fermentation profiles of pre-and post-weaning goat kids fed cricket meal as a protein source
DA Astuti, A Anggraeny, L Khotijah, S Suharti, A Jayanegara
Tropical Animal Science Journal 42 (2), 145-151, 2019
Chairul. 2007
MW Sugito, DA Astuti, E Handharyani
Morfometrik usus dan performan ayam broiler yang diberi cekaman panas dan …, 0
Nutrient profile and in vitro degradability of new promising mutant lines sorghum as forage in Indonesia
T Wahyono, I Sugoro, A Jayanegara, KG Wiryawan, DA Astuti
Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci 7 (9), 810-818, 2019
Profil darah dan nilai hematologi domba lokal yang dipelihara di Hutan Pendidikan Gunung Walat Sukabumi
DA Astuti, DR Ekastuti, Y Sugiarti, M Marwah
Jurnal Agripet 8 (2), 1-8, 2008
Lowering Chitin Content of Cricket (Gryllus assimilis) Through Exoskeleton Removal and Chemical Extraction and its Utilization as a Ruminant Feed in vitro.
A Jayanegara, MM Sholikin, DAN Sabila, S Suharti, DA Astuti
Pakistan journal of Biological Sciences: PJBS 20 (10), 523-529, 2017
Effects of various organic substrates on growth performance and nutrient composition of black soldier fly larvae: a meta-analysis
EL Fitriana, EB Laconi, DA Astuti, A Jayanegara
Bioresource Technology Reports 18, 101061, 2022
Feed and animal nutrition: insect as animal feed
DA Astuti, K Komalasari
IOP Conference Series. Earth and Environmental Science 465 (1), 2020
Reproductive performance, cholesterol and progesterone status of Garut ewes fed ration containing different levels of sun flower oil
L Khotijah, KG Wiryawan, MA Setiadi, DA Astuti
Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 14 (7), 388-391, 2015
Perbaikan parameter lipid darah mencit hiperkolesterolemia dengan suplemen pangan bekatul
W Manalu, A Suprayogi, DA Astuti
Majalah Kedokteran Bandung 45 (1), 1-9, 2013
Growth, biomass and nutrient production of brown midrib sorghum mutant lines at different harvest times
R Sriagtula, P Karti, L Abdullah, DA Astuti
Pakistan journal of Nutrition 15 (6), 524, 2016
High antioxidant egg production through substitution of soybean meal by Indigofera sp., top leaf meal in laying hen diets.
R Palupi, L Abdullah, DA Astuti, S Sumiati
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