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Nils Monserud
Nils Monserud
Max Born Institute
mbi-berlin.de üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Coherent diffractive imaging of single helium nanodroplets with a high harmonic generation source
D Rupp, N Monserud, B Langbehn, M Sauppe, J Zimmermann, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 493, 2017
Extreme-ultraviolet refractive optics
L Drescher, O Kornilov, T Witting, G Reitsma, N Monserud, A Rouzée, ...
Nature 564 (7734), 91-94, 2018
Tabletop single-shot extreme ultraviolet Fourier transform holography of an extended object
EB Malm, NC Monserud, CG Brown, PW Wachulak, H Xu, G Balakrishnan, ...
Optics Express 21 (8), 9959-9966, 2013
Recording oscillations of sub-micron size cantilevers by extreme ultraviolet Fourier transform holography
NC Monserud, EB Malm, PW Wachulak, V Putkaradze, G Balakrishnan, ...
Optics Express 22 (4), 4161-4167, 2014
XUV double-pulses with femtosecond to 650 ps separation from a multilayer-mirror-based split-and-delay unit at FLASH
M Sauppe, D Rompotis, B Erk, S Bari, T Bischoff, R Boll, C Bomme, ...
Synchrotron Radiation 25 (5), 1517-1528, 2018
Publisher Correction: Coherent diffractive imaging of single helium nanodroplets with a high harmonic generation source
D Rupp, N Monserud, B Langbehn, M Sauppe, J Zimmermann, ...
Nature Communications 9, 302, 2018
Time resolved holography scheme using a table top soft X-ray laser
EB Malm, NC Monserud, PW Wachulak, C Brown, W Chao, E Anderson, ...
X-Ray Lasers 2012: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on X-Ray …, 2014
Flash extreme ultraviolet holographic microscopy in a table top setup
NC Monserud, EB Malm, PW Wachulak, H Xu, G Balakrishnan, W Chao, ...
Three-Dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and …, 2014
Time resolved extreme ultraviolet Fourier transform holography
EB Malm, NC Monserud, PW Wachulak, H Xu, G Balakrishnan, W Chao, ...
2013 IEEE Photonics Conference, 604-605, 2013
Imaging ultrafast electron dynamics in isolated nanoparticles
B Senfftleben, J Zimmermann, A Colombo, EH Yesaghi, L Hecht, ...
European Quantum Electronics Conference, jsi_3_1, 2023
Single-shot diffractive imaging of individual helium nanodroplets with intense multicolor XUV pulses
N Monserud, B Langbehn, M Sauppe, J Zimmermann, A Spanier, ...
High Intensity Lasers and High Field Phenomena, HW2A. 3, 2018
Publisher Correction: Coherent diffractive imaging of single helium nanodroplets with a high harmonic generation source (Nature communications (2017) 8 1 (493))
D Rupp, N Monserud, B Langbehn, M Sauppe, J Zimmermann, ...
[London]: Nature Publishing Group UK, 2018
Time-Resolved Holography with a Table Top Soft X-Ray Laser
MC Marconi, N Monserud, E Malm, P Wachulak, W Chao
X-Ray Lasers 2014: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on X-Ray …, 2016
Nanoscale Imaging with Soft X-Ray Lasers
CS Menoni, J Nejdl, N Monserud, ID Howlett, D Carlton, EH Anderson, ...
X-Ray Lasers 2014: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on X-Ray …, 2016
Flash holographic microscopy using a compact extreme ultraviolet table top laser
NC Monserud
Colorado State University, 2015
Extreme Ultraviolet Nano-holography Scheme to Study the Dynamic of ILMs in Mechanical Nano-oscillators
B Malm Erik, N Monserud, CG Brown, PW Wachulak, V Putkaradze, ...
IEICE Proceeding Series 1, 415-418, 2014
IEICE Proceeding Series
EB Malm, N Monserud, CG Brown, PW Wachulak, V Putkaradze, ...
Extreme ultraviolet Fourier holography of nano-scale objects
M Marconi, N Monserud, E Malm, P Wachulak, X Huiwen, G Balakrishnan, ...
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2014, H1. 115, 2014
Time Resolved Extreme Ultraviolet Holography
EB Malm, NC Monserud, PW Wachulak, H Xu, G Balakrishnan, W Chao, ...
Frontiers in Optics, FM4F. 4, 2013
Tabletop time-resolved extreme ultraviolet Fourier transform holography
EB Malm, NC Monserud, CG Brown, PW Wachulak, H Xu, G Balakrishnan, ...
Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging, DW1A. 4, 2013
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