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Joel Bowman
Joel Bowman
Professor of Chemistry, Emory University
emory.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Permutationally invariant potential energy surfaces in high dimensionality
BJ Braams, JM Bowman
International Reviews in Physical Chemistry 28 (4), 577-606, 2009
Self-consistent field energies and wavefunctions for coupled oscillators
JM Bowman
Journal of Chemical Physics 68 (2), 608-610, 1978
The self-consistent-field approach to polyatomic vibrations
JM Bowman
Accounts of Chemical Research 19 (7), 202-208, 1986
The roaming atom: straying from the reaction path in formaldehyde decomposition
D Townsend, SA Lahankar, SK Lee, SD Chambreau, AG Suits, X Zhang, ...
Science 306 (5699), 1158-1161, 2004
Vibrational self-consistent field method for many-mode systems: A new approach and application to the vibrations of CO adsorbed on Cu (100)
S Carter, SJ Culik, JM Bowman
The Journal of chemical physics 107 (24), 10458-10469, 1997
Reduced dimensionality theory of quantum reactive scattering
JM Bowman
The Journal of Physical Chemistry 95 (13), 4960-4968, 1991
MULTIMODE: A code to calculate rovibrational energies of polyatomic molecules
JM Bowman, S Carter, X Huang
International Reviews in Physical Chemistry 22 (3), 533-549, 2003
Extensions and tests of “multimode”: a code to obtain accurate vibration/rotation energies of many-mode molecules
S Carter, JM Bowman, NC Handy
Theoretical Chemistry Accounts 100, 191-198, 1998
Variational quantum approaches for computing vibrational energies of polyatomic molecules
JM Bowman, T Carrington, HD Meyer
Molecular Physics 106 (16-18), 2145-2182, 2008
Application of SCF-SI theory to vibrational motion in polyatomic molecules
JM Bowman, K Christoffel, F Tobin
Journal of Physical Chemistry 83 (8), 905-912, 1979
Investigations of self-consistent field, scf ci and virtual stateconfiguration interaction vibrational energies for a model three-mode system
KM Christoffel, JM Bowman
Chemical Physics Letters 85 (2), 220-224, 1982
Permutationally invariant polynomial basis for molecular energy surface fitting via monomial symmetrization
Z Xie, JM Bowman
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 6 (1), 26-34, 2010
Ab initio potential energy and dipole moment surfaces for H5O2+
X Huang, BJ Braams, JM Bowman
The Journal of chemical physics 122 (4), 2005
High-dimensional ab initio potential energy surfaces for reaction dynamics calculations
JM Bowman, G Czako, B Fu
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 13 (18), 8094-8111, 2011
Flexible, ab initio potential, and dipole moment surfaces for water. I. Tests and applications for clusters up to the 22-mer
Y Wang, X Huang, BC Shepler, BJ Braams, JM Bowman
The Journal of chemical physics 134 (9), 2011
The vibrational predissociation spectra of the H5O2+∙ RGn (RG= Ar, Ne) clusters: Correlation of the solvent perturbations in the free OH and shared proton transitions of the …
NI Hammer, EG Diken, JR Roscioli, MA Johnson, EM Myshakin, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 122 (24), 2005
Exact quantum, quasiclassical, and semiclassical reaction probabilities for the collinear F+H2 → FH+H reaction
GC Schatz, JM Bowman, A Kuppermann
The Journal of Chemical Physics 63 (2), 674-684, 1975
A binitio calculations of electronic and vibrational energies of HCO and HOC
JM Bowman, JS Bittman, LB Harding
The Journal of chemical physics 85 (2), 911-921, 1986
Vibrational energy levels of formaldehyde
H Romanowski, JM Bowman, LB Harding
Journal of chemical physics 82 (9), 4155-4165, 1985
Theoretical studies of polyatomic bimolecular reaction dynamics
JM Bowman, GC Schatz
Annual review of physical chemistry 46 (1), 169-196, 1995
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