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44 2008 Controlling chaos in higher-order dynamical systems A Boukabou, N Mansouri
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33 2004 Control of n-scroll Chua's circuit A Boukabou, B Sayoud, H Boumaiza, N Mansouri
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24 2009 Robust trajectory tracking control of a quadrotor UAV K Benzaid, N Mansouri, O Labbani-Igbida
3rd International Conference on Systems and Control, 206-211, 2013
16 2013 Méthodes de controle des systèmes chaotiques d'ordre élevé et leur application pour la synchronisation A Boukabou, N Mansouri
15 2006 A generalized dynamical model and control approach applied to multirotor aerial systems K Benzaid, N Mansouri, O Labbani-Igbida
2016 8th International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control …, 2016
13 2016 Neural predictive control of unknown chaotic systems A Boukabou, N Mansouri
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12 2005 Dynamic output feedback robust H∞ control of networked control systems with time-Varying delays via T-S fuzzy models EH Djallel Lakehal Ayat, Noura Mansouri, Abdelkrim Boukabou
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10 2022 Robust Fault-Tolerant Control for Discrete-Time Nonlinear System with Actuator Faults and Time-Varying Delays Using Nonlinear T–S Fuzzy Models DE Cheridi, N Mansouri
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10 2007 A novel adaptive approach for synchronization of uncertain chaotic systems using fuzzy PI controller and active control method Z Driss, N Mansouri
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8 2016 Online PID control of tank level system A Ikhlef, M Kihel, B Boukhezzar, N Mansouri, F Hobar
2016 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 281-284, 2016
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8 2014 H∞ fault estimation for nonlinear discrete time-delay system with actuator and sensor faults using nonlinear t-s fuzzy models CD Eddine, M Noura
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6 2020 Fuzzy control of original UPOs of unknown discrete chaotic systems N Mekircha, A Boukabou, N Mansouri
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6 2012 Prediction-based feedback control of fractional order system A Naceri, N Mansouri, A Charef
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6 2008 Filtered Medial Surface Based Approach for 3D Collision-Free Path Planning Problem K Benzaid, R Marie, N Mansouri, O Labbani-Igbida
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5 2018 Predictive control of higher dimensional chaos A Boukabou, N Mansouri
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