Takip et
Seyed Mohammad Hosseini
Seyed Mohammad Hosseini
Professor of Applied Mathematics, Tarbiat Modares University, P.O. Box 14115-175, Tehran, Iran.
modares.ac.ir üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Tau numerical solution of Fredholm integro-differential equations with arbitrary polynomial bases
SM Hosseini, S Shahmorad
Applied Mathematical Modelling 27 (2), 145-154, 2003
Numerical solution of a class of integro-differential equations by the Tau method with an error estimation
SM Hosseini, S Shahmorad
Applied Mathematics and Computation 136 (2-3), 559-570, 2003
A balanced combination of Tikhonov and total variation regularizations for reconstruction of piecewise-smooth signals
A Gholami, SM Hosseini
Signal Processing 93 (7), 1945-1960, 2013
A new variant of L-curve for Tikhonov regularization
M Rezghi, SM Hosseini
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 231 (2), 914-924, 2009
A novel weighted support vector machine based on particle swarm optimization for gene selection and tumor classification
MJ Abdi, SM Hosseini, M Rezghi
Computational and mathematical methods in medicine 2012 (1), 320698, 2012
A recurrent neural network for solving a class of generalized convex optimization problems
A Hosseini, J Wang, SM Hosseini
Neural Networks 44, 78-86, 2013
A general framework for sparsity-based denoising and inversion
A Gholami, SM Hosseini
IEEE transactions on signal processing 59 (11), 5202-5211, 2011
Numerical piecewise approximate solution of Fredholm integro-differential equations by the Tau method
SM Hosseini, S Shahmorad
Applied Mathematical Modelling 29 (11), 1005-1021, 2005
A pseudospectral method for fractional optimal control problems
N Ejlali, SM Hosseini
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 174, 83-107, 2017
A matrix formulation of the Tau for Fredholm and Volterra linear integro-differential equations
SM Hosseini, S Shahmorad
The Korean J. Comput. Appl. Math 9 (2), 497-507, 2002
The role of coefficients of a general SPDE on the stability and convergence of a finite difference method
M Kamrani, SM Hosseini
Journal of computational and applied mathematics 234 (5), 1426-1434, 2010
Full discretization of the stochastic Burgers equation with correlated noise
D Blömker, M Kamrani, SM Hosseini
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 33 (3), 825-848, 2013
Polynomial and nonpolynomial spline methods for fractional sub-diffusion equations
SM Hosseini, R Ghaffari
Applied Mathematical Modelling 38 (14), 3554-3566, 2014
Spectral collocation method for stochastic Burgers equation driven by additive noise
M Kamrani, SM Hosseini
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 82 (9), 1630-1644, 2012
Efficient numerical schemes for the solution of generalized time fractional Burgers type equations
Z Asgari, SM Hosseini
Numerical Algorithms 77, 763-792, 2018
Study of cash waqf and its impact on poverty: case study of Iran
SMS Hosseini, TE Salari, SMNZ Abadi
Atlantic Review of Economics 2, 1-19, 2014
A class of split-step balanced methods for stiff stochastic differential equations
A Haghighi, SM Hosseini
Numerical Algorithms 61, 141-162, 2012
A new adaptive Runge–Kutta method for stochastic differential equations
AF Bastani, SM Hosseini
Journal of computational and applied mathematics 206 (2), 631-644, 2007
Numerical solution of two-dimensional sine-Gordon and MBE models using Fourier spectral and high order explicit time stepping methods
Z Asgari, SM Hosseini
Computer Physics Communications 184 (3), 565-572, 2013
Radial basis function neural network (RBFNN) approximation of Cauchy inverse problems of the Laplace equation
F Mostajeran, SM Hosseini
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 141, 129-144, 2023
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