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Leen Van Campenhout
Leen Van Campenhout
Researcher (academic), KU Leuven, Belgium
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Microbial community dynamics during rearing of black soldier fly larvae (Hermetia illucens) and impact on exploitation potential
J De Smet, E Wynants, P Cos, L Van Campenhout
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 84 (9), e02722-17, 2018
Microbial community assessment of mealworm larvae (Tenebrio molitor) and grasshoppers (Locusta migratoria migratorioides) sold for human consumption
J Stoops, S Crauwels, M Waud, J Claes, B Lievens, L Van Campenhout
Food Microbiology 53, 122-127, 2016
Suitability of microwave drying for mealworms (Tenebrio molitor) as alternative to freeze drying: Impact on nutritional quality and colour
S Lenaerts, M Van Der Borght, A Callens, L Van Campenhout
Food chemistry 254, 129-136, 2018
Assessing the Microbiota of Black Soldier Fly Larvae (Hermetia illucens) Reared on Organic Waste Streams on Four Different Locations at Laboratory and Large …
E Wynants, L Frooninckx, S Crauwels, C Verreth, J De Smet, C Sandrock, ...
Microbial ecology 77, 913-930, 2019
Effect of blanching followed by refrigerated storage or industrial microwave drying on the microbial load of yellow mealworm larvae (Tenebrio molitor)
D Vandeweyer, S Lenaerts, A Callens, L Van Campenhout
Food Control 71, 311-314, 2017
Protein fortification with mealworm (Tenebrio molitor L.) powder: Effect on textural, microbiological, nutritional and sensory features of bread
A Roncolini, V Milanović, F Cardinali, A Osimani, C Garofalo, R Sabbatini, ...
PloS one 14 (2), e0211747, 2019
Microbial counts of mealworm larvae (Tenebrio molitor) and crickets (Acheta domesticus and Gryllodes sigillatus) from different rearing companies and different production batches
D Vandeweyer, S Crauwels, B Lievens, L Van Campenhout
International journal of food microbiology 242, 13-18, 2017
Consumer acceptance of foods containing edible insects in Belgium two years after their introduction to the market
L Van Thielen, S Vermuyten, B Storms, B Rumpold, L Van Campenhout
Journal of Insects as Food and Feed 5 (1), 35-44, 2019
Effect of post-harvest starvation and rinsing on the microbial numbers and the bacterial community composition of mealworm larvae (Tenebrio molitor)
E Wynants, S Crauwels, B Lievens, S Luca, J Claes, A Borremans, ...
Innovative food science & emerging technologies 42, 8-15, 2017
Microbial dynamics during production of lesser mealworms (Alphitobius diaperinus) for human consumption at industrial scale
E Wynants, S Crauwels, C Verreth, N Gianotten, B Lievens, J Claes, ...
Food Microbiology 70, 181-191, 2018
Minced meat-like products from mealworm larvae (Tenebrio molitor and Alphitobius diaperinus): microbial dynamics during production and storage
J Stoops, D Vandeweyer, S Crauwels, C Verreth, H Boeckx, ...
Innovative food science & emerging technologies 41, 1-9, 2017
Bacterial community dynamics during cold storage of minced meat packaged under modified atmosphere and supplemented with different preservatives
J Stoops, S Ruyters, P Busschaert, R Spaepen, C Verreth, J Claes, ...
Food Microbiology 48, 192-199, 2015
Microbial dynamics during industrial rearing, processing, and storage of tropical house crickets (Gryllodes sigillatus) for human consumption
D Vandeweyer, E Wynants, S Crauwels, C Verreth, N Viaene, J Claes, ...
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 84 (12), e00255-18, 2018
Interaction between fat type and lysolecithin supplementation in broiler feeds
M Jansen, F Nuyens, J Buyse, S Leleu, L Van Campenhout
Poultry Science 94 (10), 2506-2515, 2015
Life cycle assessment of burger patties produced with extruded meat substitutes
W Saerens, S Smetana, L Van Campenhout, V Lammers, V Heinz
Journal of Cleaner Production 306, 127177, 2021
Biological contaminants in insects as food and feed
D Vandeweyer, J De Smet, N Van Looveren, L Van Campenhout
Journal of Insects as Food and Feed 7 (5), 807-822, 2021
Risks related to the presence of Salmonella sp. during rearing of mealworms (Tenebrio molitor) for food or feed: Survival in the substrate and transmission to the larvae
E Wynants, L Frooninckx, S Van Miert, A Geeraerd, J Claes, ...
Food Control 100, 227-234, 2019
Metagenetic analysis of the bacterial communities of edible insects from diverse production cycles at industrial rearing companies
D Vandeweyer, S Crauwels, B Lievens, L Van Campenhout
International Journal of Food Microbiology 261, 11-18, 2017
Overcoming technical and market barriers to enable sustainable large-scale production and consumption of insect proteins in Europe: A SUSINCHAIN perspective
T Veldkamp, N Meijer, F Alleweldt, D Deruytter, L Van Campenhout, ...
Insects 13 (3), 281, 2022
Characterisation of structural patterns in bread as evaluated by X-ray computer tomography
T Van Dyck, P Verboven, E Herremans, T Defraeye, L Van Campenhout, ...
Journal of Food Engineering 123, 67-77, 2014
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