Takip et
Jayaraman Krishnaswamy
Jayaraman Krishnaswamy
Adjunct Professor, School of Business, Amrita University, Academic Fellow, GSB, USM, Malaysia.
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) in Malaysia: A survey
S Zailani, K Jayaraman, G Vengadasan, R Premkumar
International Journal of Production Economics 140 (1), 330-340, 2012
A conceptual framework for critical success factors of lean Six Sigma: Implementation on the performance of electronic manufacturing service industry
K Jayaraman, LK Teo
International Journal of Lean Six Sigma 1 (3), 191-215, 2010
The examination on the drivers for green purchasing adoption among EMS 14001 certified companies in Malaysia
TK ElTayeb, S Zailani, K Jayaraman
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 21 (2), 206-225, 2010
Barriers to green innovation initiatives among manufacturers: the Malaysian case
M Abdullah, S Zailani, M Iranmanesh, K Jayaraman
Review of Managerial Science 10, 683-709, 2016
Factors Influencing Small Medium Enterprises (SMES) in Obtaining Loan
H Haron, SB Said, K Jayaraman, I Ismail
International Journal of Business and Social Science 4 (15), 182-190, 2013
A conceptual model of interactive hotel website: The role of perceived website interactivity and customer perceived value toward website revisit intention
D Abdullah, K Jayaraman, SBM Kamal
Procedia economics and finance 37, 170-175, 2016
Scale development and validation for DART model of value co-creation process on innovation strategy
SK Taghizadeh, K Jayaraman, I Ismail, SA Rahman
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 31 (1), 24-35, 2016
Food quality, service quality, price fairness and restaurant re-patronage intention: The mediating role of customer satisfaction
D Abdullah, N Hamir, NM Nor, J Krishnaswamy, AMM Rostum
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences 8 …, 2018
The perceptions and perspectives of Lean Six Sigma (LSS) practitioners: An empirical study in Malaysia
K Jayaraman, T Leam Kee, K Lin Soh
The TQM Journal 24 (5), 433-446, 2012
The effects of perceived interactivity, perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness on online hotel booking intention: A conceptual framework
D Abdullah, K Jayaraman, DN Shariff, KA Bahari, NM Nor
International Academic Research Journal of Social Science 2 (1), 1-5, 2016
Corporate sustainable business practices and talent attraction
MAH Magbool, A Amran, M Nejati, K Jayaraman
Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal 7 (4), 539-559, 2016
The proposed e-waste management model from the conviction of individual laptop disposal practices-An empirical study in Malaysia
K Jayaraman, S Vejayon, S Raman, I Mostafiz
Journal of Cleaner Production 208, 688-696, 2019
B2B e-commerce technology factors with mediating effect perceived usefulness in Jordanian manufacturing SMES
LA Hussein, AS Baharudin, K Jayaraman, S Kiumarsi
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 14 (1), 411-429, 2019
Consumer reflections on the usage of plastic bags to parcel hot edible items: An empirical study in Malaysia
K Jayaraman, H Haron, GB Sung, SK Lin
Journal of Cleaner Production 19 (13), 1527-1535, 2011
Reasons for low penetration on the purchase of photovoltaic (PV) panel system among Malaysian landed property owners
K Jayaraman, L Paramasivan, S Kiumarsi
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 80, 562-571, 2017
Determinants of internal control characteristics influencing voluntary and mandatory disclosures: A Malaysian perspective
H Haron, D Daing Nasir Ibrahim, K Jayaraman, O Hock Chye
Managerial Auditing Journal 25 (2), 140-159, 2010
The effects of consumer perception of volume discount benefits on intention to purchase grocery products: deal proneness as a moderator
M Iranmanesh, KS Jayaraman, S Zailani, SM Ghadiri
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics 29 (5), 1017-1035, 2017
Convenience, flexible service, and commute impedance as the predictors of drivers’ intention to switch and behavioral readiness to use public transport
AS Kang, K Jayaraman, KL Soh, WP Wong
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 62, 505-519, 2019
The impact of background music on the duration of consumer stay at stores: An empirical study in Malaysia
SK Keng Lin Soh, K. Jayaraman, Choo Li Peng
International Journal of Business and Society 16 (2), 247-260, 2015
Critical success factors of Lean Six Sigma practices on business performance in Malaysia
NNK Ali, CW Choong, K Jayaraman
International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management 17 (4), 456-473, 2016
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