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Efrat Herzberg-Druker
Efrat Herzberg-Druker
tauex.tau.ac.il üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Running Ahead or Running in Place? Educational Expansion and Gender Inequality in the Labor Market
H Stier, E Herzberg-Druker
Social Indicators Research 130 (3), 1187-1206, 2017
Family matters: The contribution of households’ educational and employment composition to income inequality
E Herzberg-Druker, H Stier
Social science research 82, 221-239, 2019
Work and families in times of crisis: The case of Israel in the coronavirus outbreak
E Herzberg-Druker, K Tali, M Yaish
OSF, 2020
Women in the labor force: The impact of education on employment patterns and wages
H Stier, E Herzberg
Policy Paper, 2013
Does the Pandemic Affect Inequality within Families?: The Case of Dual-Earner Couples in Israel
E Herzberg-Druker, T Kristal, M Yaish
Gender & Society 36 (6), 895-921, 2022
Is the wage premium on using computers at work gender-specific?
T Kristal, E Herzberg-Druker, A White
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 89, 100890, 2024
אי־ שוויון מגדרי בשוק העבודה והמהפכה המשטרית בישראל
אפרת הרצברג־ דרוקר, إفرات هيرتسبيرغ-دروكر
Israeli Sociology/סוציולוגיה ישראלית, 253-263, 2023
משפחה ועבודה בעת משבר הקורונה: הפגיעוּת הכפולה של נשים
אפרת הרצברג–דרוקר, מאיר יעיש, טלי קריסטל
סוציולוגיה ישראלית, 143-151, 2021
Introduction: Too old to work–too young to retire: Preface
E Weitz, E Herzberg-Druker, H Stier
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 79-80, 2015
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