Takip et
Pol Tijskens
Pol Tijskens
Wageningen UR, group Horticulture and Product Physiology
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
A generic model for keeping quality of vegetable produce during storage and distribution
LMM Tijskens, JJ Polderdijk
Agricultural Systems 51 (4), 431-452, 1996
Modelling the change in colour of broccoli and green beans during blanching
LMM Tijskens, E Schijvens, ESA Biekman
Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 2 (4), 303-313, 2001
A dynamic and generic model of gas exchange of respiring produce: the effects of oxygen, carbon dioxide and temperature
M Hertog, HW Peppelenbos, RG Evelo, LMM Tijskens
Postharvest Biology and Technology 14 (3), 335-349, 1998
Modelling colour of tomatoes during postharvest storage
LMM Tijskens, RG Evelo
Postharvest Biology and Technology 4 (1-2), 85-98, 1994
Effects of storage temperature and fruit ripening on firmness of fresh cut tomatoes
MM Lana, LMM Tijskens, O Van Kooten
Postharvest Biology and Technology 35 (1), 87-95, 2005
Concepts for modelling the quality of perishable products
M Sloof, LMM Tijskens, EC Wilkinson
Trends in Food Science & Technology 7 (5), 165-171, 1996
Predicting keeping quality of strawberries (cv.Elsanta') packed under modified atmospheres: an integrated model approach
M Hertog, HAM Boerrigter, G Van den Boogaard, LMM Tijskens, ...
Postharvest Biology and Technology 15 (1), 1-12, 1999
Predicting keeping quality of batches of cucumber fruit based on a physiological mechanism
RE Schouten, LMM Tijskens, O van Kooten
Postharvest Biology and Technology 26 (2), 209-220, 2002
Assessing harvest maturity in nectarines
LMM Tijskens, PE Zerbini, RE Schouten, M Vanoli, S Jacob, M Grassi, ...
Postharvest Biology and Technology 45 (2), 204-213, 2007
Modelling quality attributes of truss tomatoes: Linking colour and firmness maturity
RE Schouten, TPM Huijben, LMM Tijskens, O Van Kooten
Postharvest biology and technology 45 (3), 298-306, 2007
The effects of temperature and senescence on the accumulation of reducing sugars during storage of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers: A mathematical model
M Hertog, LMM Tijskens, PS Hak
Postharvest biology and technology 10 (1), 67-79, 1997
Keeping quality of cucumber fruits predicted by biological age
RE Schouten, EC Otma, O van Kooten, LMM Tijskens
Postharvest Biology and Technology 12 (2), 175-181, 1997
Biological variance, burden or benefit?
LMM Tijskens, P Konopacki, M Simcic
Postharvest Biology and Technology 27 (1), 15-25, 2003
The firmness of stored tomatoes (cv. Tradiro). 1. Kinetic and near infrared models to describe firmness and moisture loss
C Van Dijk, C Boeriu, F Peter, T Stolle-Smits, LMM Tijskens
Journal of Food Engineering 77 (3), 575-584, 2006
The kinetics of pectin methyl esterase in potatoes and carrots during blanching
LMM Tijskens, KW Waldron, A Ng, L Ingham, C Van Dijk
Journal of food engineering 34 (4), 371-385, 1997
Modelling the effect of pH on the colour degradation of blanched broccoli
LMM Tijskens, SA Barringer, ESA Biekman
Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 2 (4), 315-322, 2001
Batch variability and cultivar keeping quality of cucumber
RE Schouten, G Jongbloed, LMM Tijskens, O van Kooten
Postharvest Biology and Technology 32 (3), 299-310, 2004
Food process modelling
LMM Tijskens, M Hertog, BM Nicolaï
Woodhead Publishing, 2001
Modelling oxidative and fermentative carbon dioxide production of fruits and vegetables
HW Peppelenbos, LMM Tijskens, J van't Leven, EC Wilkinson
Postharvest Biology and Technology 9 (3), 283-295, 1996
Activity of pectin methyl esterase during blanching of peaches
LMM Tijskens, PS Rodis, M Hertog, N Proxenia, C Van Dijk
Journal of Food Engineering 39 (2), 167-177, 1999
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