Takip et
Department of Physics, University of Warwick
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
A first-principles theory of ferromagnetic phase transitions in metals
BL Gyorffy, AJ Pindor, J Staunton, GM Stocks, H Winter
Journal of Physics F: Metal Physics 15 (6), 1337, 1985
Disordered local moment state of magnetic transition metals: a self-consistent KKR CPA calculation
AJ Pindor, J Staunton, GM Stocks, H Winter
Journal of Physics F: Metal Physics 13 (5), 979, 1983
Lanthanide contraction and magnetism in the heavy rare earth elements
ID Hughes, M Däne, A Ernst, W Hergert, M Lüders, J Poulter, JB Staunton, ...
Nature 446 (7136), 650-653, 2007
Temperature Dependent Magnetic Anisotropy in Metallic Magnets <?format ?>from an Ab Initio Electronic Structure Theory: -Ordered FePt
JB Staunton, S Ostanin, SSA Razee, BL Gyorffy, L Szunyogh, ...
Physical review letters 93 (25), 257204, 2004
Temperature dependence of magnetic anisotropy: An ab initio approach
JB Staunton, L Szunyogh, A Buruzs, BL Gyorffy, S Ostanin, L Udvardi
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (14), 144411, 2006
Ferromagnetism versus antiferromagnetism in face-centered-cubic iron
FJ Pinski, J Staunton, BL Gyorffy, DD Johnson, GM Stocks
Physical review letters 56 (19), 2096, 1986
Onsager cavity fields in itinerant-electron paramagnets
JB Staunton, BL Gyorffy
Physical review letters 69 (2), 371, 1992
Relativistic spin-polarised scattering theory-solution of the single-site problem
P Strange, J Staunton, BL Gyorffy
Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics 17 (19), 3355, 1984
The “disordered local moment” picture of itinerant magnetism at finite temperatures
J Staunton, BL Gyorffy, AJ Pindor, GM Stocks, H Winter
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 45 (1), 15-22, 1984
Electronic structure of metallic ferromagnets above the Curie temperature
J Staunton, BL Gyorffy, AJ Pindor, GM Stocks, H Winter
Journal of Physics F: Metal Physics 15 (6), 1387, 1985
A relativistic spin-polarised multiple-scattering theory, with applications to the calculation of the electronic structure of condensed matter
P Strange, H Ebert, JB Staunton, BL Gyorffy
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 1 (18), 2959, 1989
Compositional short-range ordering in metallic alloys: band-filling, charge-transfer, and size effects from a first-principles all-electron Landau-type theory
JB Staunton, DD Johnson, FJ Pinski
Physical Review B 50 (3), 1450, 1994
Magnetochemical origin for Invar anomalies in iron-nickel alloys
V Crisan, P Entel, H Ebert, H Akai, DD Johnson, JB Staunton
Physical Review B 66 (1), 014416, 2002
Mn-Stabilized Zirconia: From Imitation Diamonds to a New Potential High- Ferromagnetic Spintronics Material
S Ostanin, A Ernst, LM Sandratskii, P Bruno, M Däne, ID Hughes, ...
Physical review letters 98 (1), 016101, 2007
Long-range chemical order effects upon the magnetic anisotropy of FePt alloys from an abinitio electronic structure theory
JB Staunton, S Ostanin, SSA Razee, B Gyorffy, L Szunyogh, B Ginatempo, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 16 (48), S5623, 2004
The Slater–Pauling curve: First principles calculations of the moments of Fe1cNic and V1cFec
DD Johnson, FJ Pinski, JB Staunton
Journal of applied physics 61 (8), 3715-3717, 1987
Fluctuating local moments, itinerant electrons, and the magnetocaloric effect: Compositional hypersensitivity of FeRh
JB Staunton, R Banerjee, MDS Dias, A Deak, L Szunyogh
Physical Review B 89 (5), 054427, 2014
Origins of compositional order in NiPt alloys
FJ Pinski, B Ginatempo, DD Johnson, JB Staunton, GM Stocks, BL Gyorffy
Physical review letters 66 (6), 766, 1991
Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker nonlocal coherent-potential approximation
DA Rowlands, JB Staunton, BL Györffy
Physical Review B 67 (11), 115109, 2003
The electronic structure of magnetic transition metallic materials
JB Staunton
Reports on Progress in Physics 57 (12), 1289, 1994
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