Kamu erişimi zorunlu olan makaleler - Alireza DavoodiDaha fazla bilgi edinin
Bir yerde sunuluyor: 2
Lessons learned and future considerations for designing remotely facilitated co-design studies with children focused on socio-emotional experiences
JL Warren, AN Antle, A Kitson, A Davoodi
Proceedings of the 21st Annual ACM Interaction Design and Children …, 2022
Zorunlu olanlar: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
A codesign study exploring needs, strategies, and opportunities for digital health platforms to address pandemic-related impacts on children and families
JL Warren, AN Antle, A Kitson, A Davoodi
International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 37, 100596, 2023
Zorunlu olanlar: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
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