Takip et
Vahid Norouzifard
Vahid Norouzifard
PhD, Mechanical Engineering
ut.ac.ir üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Deformation of PEM fuel cell gas diffusion layers under compressive loading: an analytical approach
V Norouzifard, M Bahrami
Journal of Power sources 264, 92-99, 2014
Evaluation of effective parameters in metal bellows forming process
G Faraji, MM Mashhadi, V Norouzifard
Journal of materials processing technology 209 (7), 3431-3437, 2009
Experimental determination of the tool–chip thermal contact conductance in machining process
V Norouzifard, M Hamedi
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 84, 45-57, 2014
Hydroforming limits in metal bellows forming process
GH Faraji, R Hashemi, MM Mashhadi, AF Dizaji, V Norouzifard
Materials and Manufacturing Processes 25 (12), 1413-1417, 2010
A three-dimensional heat conduction inverse procedure to investigate tool–chip thermal interaction in machining process
V Norouzifard, M Hamedi
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 74, 1637-1648, 2014
Effects of boron doping on mechanical properties and thermal conductivities of carbon nanotubes
MMS Fakhrabadi, A Allahverdizadeh, V Norouzifard, B Dadashzadeh
Solid state communications 152 (21), 1973-1979, 2012
A novel method to determine tool-chip thermal contact conductance in machining
JE Jam, VN Fard
International journal of engineering science and technology 3 (12), 8491-8501, 2011
Fabrication and investigation of mechanical properties of copper matrix nanocomposite reinforced by steel particle
V Norouzifard, H Naeinzadeh, A Talebi
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 887, 161434, 2021
Mechanical characterization of deformed carbon nanotubes
MMS Fakhrabadi, A Allahverdizadeh, V Norouzifard, B Dadashzadeh
Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures 7 (2), 717-727, 2012
Application of molecular dynamics in mechanical characterization of carbon nanocones
MMS Fakhrabadi, B Dadashzadeh, V Norouzifard, A Allahverdizadeh
Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 10 (9), 1921-1927, 2013
Analytical modeling of PEM fuel cell gas diffusion layers deformation under compression: Part 2-nonlinear behaviour region
V Norouzifard, M Bahrami
Ecs Transactions 61 (11), 13, 2014
Analytical modeling of PEM fuel cell gas diffusion layers deformation under compression: Part 1-linear behaviour region
V Norouzifard, M Bahrami
ECS Transactions 61 (11), 1, 2014
Microstructure, mechanical and electrical properties of copper matrix composites reinforced with steel nanoparticles
V Norouzifard, H Naeinzadeh, A Talebi, Z Ebrahimi
Mechanics of Advanced Composite Structures 8 (2), 335-345, 2021
Investigating the effect of metal-polymer internal support on reducing the heat transfer rate of mobile cryogenic vessels
V Norouzifard, SM Hosseini, E Alizadeh
Heat and Mass Transfer 57 (2), 269-282, 2021
Investigation of Dynamic Behavior of the Vehicle Powertrain System During Clutch Engagement
MMS Fakhrabadi, B Dadashzadeh, V Norouzifard, M Dadashzadeh
International Review of Mechanical Engineering 5 (6), 1109-1115, 2011
Static and Dynamic Behaviors of an Electrostatically Actuated Micro Beam
MMS Fakhrabadi, B Dadashzadeh, V Norouzifard, M Dadashzadeh
International Review on Modelling and Simulations (IREMOS) 4 (2), 710-717, 2011
On the Atomistic Simulation of Elastic, Plastic, Buckling and Post-buckling Behaviors of Carbon Nanotubes
MMS Fakhrabadi, V Norouzirfard, M Dadashzadeh, B Dadashzadeh
International Review of Mechanical Engineering 5 (6), 1053-1056, 2011
Prediction of Structural and Vibrational Behavior of C 60 Bucky Ball using Molecular Mechanics based Finite Element Method
MMS Fakhrabadi, B Dadashzadeh, V Norouzifard, M Dadashzadeh
International Review of Mechanical Engineering 5 (3), 483-489, 2011
Application of genetic algorithm in optimization of composite laminates
MMS Fakhrabadi, V Norouzifard, B Dadashzadeh, M Dadashzadeh
International Review on Modelling and Simulations 4 (2), 2011
Fractographic Characterization of Steel Nanoparticulates-Reinforced Copper Matrix Composites Subjected to Static, Cyclic, and Dynamic Mechanical Loading
V Norouzifard, A Talebi
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 33 (14), 7319-7333, 2024
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