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Anabel Forte
Anabel Forte
Universitat de València, Department of Statistics and Operations Research
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Criteria for Bayesian model choice with application to variable selection
MJ Bayarri, JO Berger, A Forte, G García-Donato
Towards breaking the gender gap in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
E Lopez-Inesta, C Botella, S Rueda, A Forte, P Marzal
IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje 15 (3), 233-241, 2020
Clinical audit of COPD patients requiring hospital admissions in Spain: AUDIPOC study
F Pozo-Rodriguez, JL López-Campos, CJ Alvarez-Martinez, ...
Public Library of Science 7 (7), e42156, 2012
Local governments' re-election and its determinants: New evidence based on a Bayesian approach
MT Balaguer-Coll, MI Brun-Martos, A Forte, E Tortosa-Ausina
European Journal of Political Economy 39, 94-108, 2015
Does social capital matter for European regional growth?
A Forte, J Peiró-Palomino, E Tortosa-Ausina
European Economic Review 77, 47-64, 2015
Girls4STEM: Gender diversity in STEM for a sustainable future
X Benavent, E de Ves, A Forte, C Botella-Mascarell, E López-Iñesta, ...
Sustainability 12 (15), 6051, 2020
Methods and tools for Bayesian variable selection and model averaging in normal linear regression
A Forte, G Garcia‐Donato, M Steel
International Statistical Review 86 (2), 237-258, 2018
Variable selection in the analysis of energy consumption–growth nexus
M Camarero, A Forte, G Garcia-Donato, Y Mendoza, J Ordoñez
Energy Economics 52, 207-216, 2015
Bayesian joint modeling of bivariate longitudinal and competing risks data: an application to study patient‐ventilator asynchronies in critical care patients
M Rue, ER Andrinopoulou, D Alvares, C Armero, A Forte, L Blanch
Biometrical Journal 59 (6), 1184-1203, 2017
The geography of Spanish bank branches
L Alamá, D Conesa, A Forte, E Tortosa-Ausina
Journal of Applied Statistics 42 (4), 722-744, 2015
Bayesian testing, variable selection and model averaging in linear models using R with BayesVarSel
G Garcia-Donato, A Forte
Determinants of between‐hospital variations in outcomes for patients admitted with COPD exacerbations: findings from a nationwide clinical audit (AUDIPOC) in Spain
F Pozo‐Rodríguez, A Castro‐Acosta, CJ Alvarez, JL López‐Campos, ...
International journal of clinical practice 69 (9), 938-947, 2015
Short and long-term trainability in older adults: training and detraining following two years of multicomponent cognitive—physical exercise training
C Blasco-Lafarga, A Cordellat, A Forte, A Roldán, P Monteagudo
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (16), 5984, 2020
What does objective mean in a Dirichlet‐multinomial process?
D Alvares, C Armero, A Forte
International Statistical Review 86 (1), 106-118, 2018
Bayesian joint modeling for assessing the progression of chronic kidney disease in children
C Armero, A Forte, H Perpiñán, MJ Sanahuja, S Agustí
Statistical methods in medical research 27 (1), 298-311, 2018
Spatial analysis of bovine spongiform encephalopathy in Galicia, Spain (2000–2005)
A Allepuz, A Lopez-Quilez, A Forte, G Fernández, J Casal
Preventive Veterinary Medicine 79 (2-4), 174-185, 2007
Bayesian joint ordinal and survival modeling for breast cancer risk assessment
C Armero, C Forné, M Rué, A Forte, H Perpiñán, G Gómez, M Baré
Statistics in medicine 35 (28), 5267-5282, 2016
Frequentist and Bayesian approaches for a joint model for prostate cancer risk and longitudinal prostate-specific antigen data
C Serrat, M Rué, C Armero, X Piulachs, H Perpiñán, A Forte, A Paez, ...
Journal of Applied Statistics 42 (6), 1223-1239, 2015
Iniciativas contra la brecha de género en STEM. Una guía de buenas prácticas
C Botella, E López-Iñesta, S Rueda, A Forte, E De Ves, ...
Asociación de Enseñantes Universitarios de la Informática (AENUI), 2020
On the drivers of profitability in the banking industry in restructuring times: a Bayesian perspective
P Cruz-García, A Forte, J Peiró-Palomino
Applied Economic Analysis 28 (83), 111-131, 2020
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