Takip et
Qingsong Xu
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Design and analysis of a totally decoupled flexure-based XY parallel micromanipulator
Y Li, Q Xu
IEEE transactions on robotics 25 (3), 645-657, 2009
Adaptive sliding mode control with perturbation estimation and PID sliding surface for motion tracking of a piezo-driven micromanipulator
Y Li, Q Xu
IEEE Transactions on control systems technology 18 (4), 798-810, 2009
Kinematic analysis of a 3-PRS parallel manipulator
Y Li, Q Xu
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 23 (4), 395-408, 2007
Analytical modeling, optimization and testing of a compound bridge-type compliant displacement amplifier
Q Xu, Y Li
Mechanism and machine theory 46 (2), 183-200, 2011
A review on cable-driven parallel robots
S Qian, B Zi, WW Shang, QS Xu
Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering 31 (1), 1-11, 2018
Design and Development of a Compact Flexure-BasedPrecision Positioning System With Centimeter Range
Q Xu
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 61 (2), 893-903, 2013
A totally decoupled piezo-driven XYZ flexure parallel micropositioning stage for micro/nanomanipulation
Y Li, Q Xu
IEEE Transactions on Automation science and Engineering 8 (2), 265-279, 2010
Stiffness analysis for a 3-PUU parallel kinematic machine
Y Li, Q Xu
Mechanism and machine theory 43 (2), 186-200, 2008
New flexure parallel-kinematic micropositioning system with large workspace
Q Xu
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 28 (2), 478-491, 2011
Identification and compensation of piezoelectric hysteresis without modeling hysteresis inverse
Q Xu
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 60 (9), 3927-3937, 2012
Kinematic analysis and design of a new 3-DOF translational parallel manipulator
Y Li, Q Xu
Rate-dependent hysteresis modeling and control of a piezostage using online support vector machine and relevance vector machine
PK Wong, Q Xu, CM Vong, HC Wong
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 59 (4), 1988-2001, 2011
A novel piezoactuated XY stage with parallel, decoupled, and stacked flexure structure for micro-/nanopositioning
Y Li, Q Xu
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 58 (8), 3601-3615, 2010
Robust impedance control of a compliant microgripper for high-speed position/force regulation
Q Xu
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 62 (2), 1201-1209, 2014
A bio-inspired cilia array as the dielectric layer for flexible capacitive pressure sensors with high sensitivity and a broad detection range
Q Zhou, B Ji, Y Wei, B Hu, Y Gao, Q Xu, J Zhou, B Zhou
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 7 (48), 27334-27346, 2019
Continuous integral terminal third-order sliding mode motion control for piezoelectric nanopositioning system
Q Xu
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 22 (4), 1828-1838, 2017
Design and modeling of constant-force mechanisms: A survey
P Wang, Q Xu
Mechanism and Machine Theory 119, 1-21, 2018
A review on actuation and sensing techniques for MEMS-based microgrippers
S Yang, Q Xu
Journal of Micro-Bio Robotics 13 (1), 1-14, 2017
Dahl model-based hysteresis compensation and precise positioning control of an XY parallel micromanipulator with piezoelectric actuation
Q Xu, Y Li
Digital integral terminal sliding mode predictive control of piezoelectric-driven motion system
Q Xu
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 63 (6), 3976-3984, 2015
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