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Inbal Nahum-Shani
Inbal Nahum-Shani
umich.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
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Just-in-Time Adaptive Interventions (JITAIs) in Mobile Health: Key Components and Design Principles for Ongoing Health Behavior Support
I Nahum-Shani, SN Smith, B Spring, K Witkiewitz, LM Collins, A Tewari, ...
Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 1-17, 2016
A" SMART" design for building individualized treatment sequences
H Lei, I Nahum-Shani, K Lynch, D Oslin, SA Murphy
Annual review of clinical psychology 8, 21-48, 2012
Building health behavior models to guide the development of just-in-time adaptive interventions: A pragmatic framework
I Nahum-Shani, EB Hekler, D Spruijt-Metz
Health Psychology 34, 1209-1219, 2015
Introduction to SMART designs for the development of adaptive interventions: with application to weight loss research
D Almirall, I Nahum-Shani, NE Sherwood, SA Murphy
Translational behavioral medicine 4 (3), 260-274, 2014
Experimental design and primary data analysis methods for comparing adaptive interventions.
I Nahum-Shani, M Qian, D Almirall, WE Pelham, B Gnagy, GA Fabiano, ...
Psychological methods 17 (4), 457, 2012
Treatment sequencing for childhood ADHD: A multiple-randomization study of adaptive medication and behavioral interventions
WE Pelham Jr, GA Fabiano, JG Waxmonsky, AR Greiner, EM Gnagy, ...
Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology 45 (4), 396-415, 2016
Optimization of behavioral dynamic treatment regimens based on the sequential, multiple assignment, randomized trial (SMART)
LM Collins, I Nahum-Shani, D Almirall
Clinical Trials 11 (4), 426-434, 2014
To Prompt or Not to Prompt? A Microrandomized Trial of Time-Varying Push Notifications to Increase Proximal Engagement With a Mobile Health App
N Bidargaddi, D Almirall, S Murphy, I Nahum-Shani, M Kovalcik, T Pituch, ...
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 6 (11), e10123, 2018
Q-learning: A data analysis method for constructing adaptive interventions.
I Nahum-Shani, M Qian, D Almirall, WE Pelham, B Gnagy, GA Fabiano, ...
Psychological methods 17 (4), 478, 2012
Multilevel factorial experiments for developing behavioral interventions: power, sample size, and resource considerations.
JJ Dziak, I Nahum-Shani, LM Collins
Psychological methods 17 (2), 153, 2012
Social Support and Employee Well-Being The Conditioning Effect of Perceived Patterns of Supportive Exchange
I Nahum-Shani, PA Bamberger, SB Bacharach
Journal of Health and Social Behavior 52 (1), 123-139, 2011
Supervisor support: Does supervisor support buffer or exacerbate the adverse effects of supervisor undermining?
I Nahum-Shani, MM Henderson, S Lim, AD Vinokur
Journal of Applied Psychology 99 (3), 484, 2014
Leadership, OCB and individual differences: idiocentrism and allocentrism as moderators of the relationship between transformational and transactional leadership and OCB
I Nahum-Shani, A Somech
The Leadership Quarterly 22 (2), 353-366, 2011
Finding Significant Stress Episodes in a Discontinuous Time Series of Rapidly Varying Mobile Sensor Data
H Sarker, M Tyburski, MM Rahman, K Hovsepian, M Sharmin, DH Epstein, ...
Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2016
Testing Agreement for Multi-Item Scales With the IndicesrWG(J) and AD M(J)
A Cohen, E Doveh, I Nahum-Shani
Organizational Research Methods 12 (1), 148-164, 2009
Longitudinal effects of adaptive interventions with a speech-generating device in minimally verbal children with ASD
D Almirall, C DiStefano, YC Chang, S Shire, A Kaiser, X Lu, ...
Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology 45 (4), 442-456, 2016
Ecological assessment of daily suicidal thoughts and attempts among suicidal teens after psychiatric hospitalization: Lessons about feasibility and acceptability
EK Czyz, CA King, I Nahum-Shani
Psychiatry research 267, 566-574, 2018
Explaining the variable effects of social support on work-based stressor–strain relations: The role of perceived pattern of support exchange
I Nahum-Shani, PA Bamberger
Organizational behavior and human decision processes 114 (1), 49-63, 2011
Engagement in digital interventions.
I Nahum-Shani, SD Shaw, SM Carpenter, SA Murphy, C Yoon
American Psychologist, 2022
Visualization of time-series sensor data to inform the design of just-in-time adaptive stress interventions
M Sharmin, A Raij, D Epstien, I Nahum-Shani, JG Beck, S Vhaduri, ...
Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and …, 2015
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