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Luis Pomar
Luis Pomar
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Alıntı yapanlar
Towards the Standardization of Sequence Stratigraphy
O Catuneanu, V Abreu, JP Bhattacharya, MD Blum, RW Dalrymple, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 92, 1–33, 2009
Types of carbonate platforms: a genetic approach
L Pomar
Basin research 13 (3), 313-334, 2001
Carbonate factories: a conundrum in sedimentary geology
L Pomar, P Hallock
Earth-Science Reviews 87 (3-4), 134-169, 2008
Ecological control of sedimentary accommodation: evolution from a carbonate ramp to rimmed shelf, Upper Miocene, Balearic Islands
L Pomar
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 175 (1-4), 249-272, 2001
Reply to Shanmugam, G., comment on "Internal waves, an underexplored source of turbulence events in the sedimentary record" by Pomar et al. [Earth-Science Reviews, 111 (2012 …
L Pomar, M Morsilli, P Hallock, B Badenas, D Bourgault
Earth Science Reviews 116, 206-210, 2012
Environmental factors influencing skeletal grain sediment associations: a critical review of Miocene examples from the western Mediterranean
L Pomar, M Brandano, H Westphal
Sedimentology 51 (3), 627-651, 2004
Reef geometries, erosion surfaces and high‐frequency sea‐level changes, upper Miocene Reef Complex, Mallorca, Spain
L Pomar
Sedimentology 38 (2), 243-269, 1991
Late Pleistocene-Holocene sediments on the Spanish continental shelves: Model for very high resolution sequence stratigraphy
FJ Hernández-Molina, L Somoza, J Rey, L Pomar
Marine Geology 120 (3-4), 129-174, 1994
Reef building and carbonate production modes in the west-central Tethys during the Cenozoic
L Pomar, JI Baceta, P Hallock, G Mateu-Vicens, D Basso
Marine and Petroleum Geology 83, 261-304, 2017
Architecture of carbonate platforms: a response to hydrodynamics and evolving ecology
L Pomar, CGSC Kendall
Upper Miocene reef complex of the Llucmajor area, Mallorca, Spain
L Pomar, WC Ward, DG Green
Sub‐wavebase cross‐bedded grainstones on a distally steepened carbonate ramp, Upper Miocene, Menorca, Spain
L Pomar, A Obrador, H Westphal
Sedimentology 49 (1), 139-169, 2002
The Calcarenite di Gravina Formation in Matera (southern Italy): new insights for coarse-grained, large-scale, cross-bedded bodies encased in offshore deposits
L Pomar, M Tropeano
AAPG bulletin 85 (4), 661-689, 2001
Carbonate ramp evolution during the late Oligocene (Chattian), Salento Peninsula, southern Italy
L Pomar, G Mateu-Vicens, M Morsilli, M Brandano
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 404, 109-132, 2014
Impact of carbonate producing biota on platform architecture: insights from Miocene examples of the Mediterranean region
L Pomar, P Bassant, M Brandano, C Ruchonnet, X Janson
Earth-Science Reviews 113 (3-4), 186-211, 2012
Mesophotic coral buildups in a prodelta setting (late Eocene, southern Pyrenees, Spain): a mixed carbonate–siliciclastic system
M Morsilli, FR Bosellini, L Pomar, P Hallock, M Aurell, CA Papazzoni
Sedimentology 59 (3), 766-794, 2012
Response of a late Miocene Mediterranean reef platform to high-frequency eustasy
L Pomar, WC Ward
Geology 22 (2), 131-134, 1994
Reservoir-scale heterogeneity in depositional packages and diagenetic patterns on a reef-rimmed platform, Upper Miocene, Mallorca, Spain
L Pomar, WC Ward
AAPG bulletin 83 (11), 1759-1773, 1999
AM Alonso-Zarza, I Armenteros, JC Braga, A Muñoz, V Pujalte, E Ramos, ...
High-resolution sequence stratigraphy in prograding Miocene carbonates: application to seismic interpretation
L Pomar
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