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Hugues Digonnet
Hugues Digonnet
ec-nantes.fr üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Stabilized finite element method for incompressible flows with high Reynolds number
E Hachem, B Rivaux, T Kloczko, H Digonnet, T Coupez
Journal of computational physics 229 (23), 8643-8665, 2010
Parallel meshing and remeshing
T Coupez, H Digonnet, R Ducloux
Applied mathematical modelling 25 (2), 153-175, 2000
Development of numerical tools for the multiscale modelling of recrystallization in metals, based on a digital material framework
M Bernacki, H Digonnet, H Resk, T Coupez, R Loge
AIP Conference Proceedings 908 (1), 375-380, 2007
Linking plastic deformation to recrystallization in metals using digital microstructures
R Logé, M Bernacki, H Resk, L Delannay, H Digonnet, Y Chastel, ...
Philosophical Magazine 88 (30-32), 3691-3712, 2008
Using a signed distance function for the simulation of metal forming processes: Formulation of the contact condition and mesh adaptation. From a Lagrangian approach to an …
J Bruchon, H Digonnet, T Coupez
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 78 (8), 980-1008, 2009
Direct simulation of a solidification benchmark experiment
T Carozzani, CA Gandin, H Digonnet, M Bellet, K Zaidat, Y Fautrelle
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 44, 873-887, 2013
3D CAFE modeling of grain structures: application to primary dendritic and secondary eutectic solidification
T Carozzani, H Digonnet, CA Gandin
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 20 (1), 015010, 2011
Cimlib: a fully parallel application for numerical simulations based on components assembly
H Digonnet, L Silva, T Coupez
AIP Conference Proceedings 908 (1), 269-274, 2007
Advanced parallel computing in material forming with CIMLib
Y Mesri, H Digonnet, T Coupez
European Journal of Computational Mechanics/Revue Européenne de Mécanique …, 2009
Dynamic load-balancing of finite element applications with the drama library
A Basermann, J Clinckemaillie, T Coupez, J Fingberg, H Digonnet, ...
Applied Mathematical Modelling 25 (2), 83-98, 2000
Stabilized finite element solution to handle complex heat and fluid flows in industrial furnaces using the immersed volume method
E Hachem, T Kloczko, H Digonnet, T Coupez
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 68 (1), 99-121, 2012
Dynamic parallel adaption for three dimensional unstructured meshes: Application to interface tracking
Y Mesri, W Zerguine, H Digonnet, L Silva, T Coupez
Proceedings of the 17th International Meshing Roundtable, 195-212, 2008
Object-oriented programming for “fast and easy” development of parallel applications in forming processes simulation
H Digonnet, T Coupez
Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics 2003, 1922-1924, 2003
Optimized parallel computing for cellular automaton–finite element modeling of solidification grain structures
T Carozzani, CA Gandin, H Digonnet
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 22 (1), 015012, 2013
Adaptive time-step with anisotropic meshing for incompressible flows
T Coupez, G Jannoun, N Nassif, HC Nguyen, H Digonnet, E Hachem
Journal of Computational Physics 241, 195-211, 2013
Massively parallel anisotropic mesh adaptation
H Digonnet, T Coupez, P Laure, L Silva
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 33 (1 …, 2019
Role of good oral hygiene on clinical evolution of rheumatoid arthritis: a randomized study nested in the ESPOIR cohort
X Mariette, E Perrodeau, C Verner, X Struillou, N Picard, T Schaeverbeke, ...
Rheumatology 59 (5), 988-996, 2020
Immersed volume method for solving natural convection, conduction and radiation of a hat‐shaped disk inside a 3D enclosure
E Hachem, H Digonnet, E Massoni, T Coupez
International Journal of numerical methods for heat & fluid flow 22 (6), 718-741, 2012
Benchmark exercise on image-based permeability determination of engineering textiles: Microscale predictions
E Syerko, T Schmidt, D May, C Binetruy, SG Advani, S Lomov, L Silva, ...
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 167, 107397, 2023
Direct modeling of structures and segregations up to industrial casting scales
CA Gandin, T Carozzani, H Digonnet, S Chen, G Guillemot
Jom 65, 1122-1130, 2013
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