Takip et
Laiachi El Kaoutit
Laiachi El Kaoutit
ugr.es üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Comatrix corings: Galois corings, descent theory, and a structure theorem for cosemisimple corings
L El Kaoutit, J Gómez-Torrecillas
Mathematische Zeitschrift 244 (4), 887-906, 2003
Semisimple corings
LEL Kaoutit, J Gómez-Torrecillas, FJ Lobillo
arXiv preprint math/0201070, 2002
Infinite comatrix corings
L El Kaoutit, J Gómez-Torrecillas
International Mathematics Research Notices 2004 (39), 2017-2037, 2004
Non-commutative integral forms and twisted multi-derivations
T Brzeziński, L El Kaoutit, C Lomp
Journal of Noncommutative Geometry 4 (2), 281-312, 2010
On geometrically transitive Hopf algebroids
L El Kaoutit
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 222 (11), 3483-3520, 2018
Morita theory for Hopf algebroids, principal bibundles, and weak equivalences
L El Kaoutit, N Kowalzig
Documenta Mathematica 22, 551-609, 2017
Wide Morita contexts in bicategories
LE Kaoutit
arXiv preprint math/0608601, 2006
The group of automorphisms of the coordinate ring of quantum symplectic space.
J Gómez-Torrecillas, L El Kaoutit
Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie 43 (2), 597-601, 2002
Topological tensor product of bimodules, complete Hopf algebroids and convolution algebras
L El Kaoutit, P Saracco
Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 21 (06), 1850015, 2019
Morita duality for corings over quasi-Frobenius rings, in “Hopf algebras in noncommutative geometry and physics”, S. Caenepeel and F. Van Oystaeyen
L El Kaoutit, J Gómez-Torrecillas
Lecture Notes in Pure and Appl. Math 239, 137-153, 2005
On the finite dual of a cocommutative Hopf algebroid. Application to linear differential matrix equations and Picard-Vessiot theory.
L El Kaoutit, J Gómez-Torrecillas
Invertible unital bimodules over rings with local units, and related exact sequences of groups, II
L El Kaoutit, J Gómez-Torrecillas
Journal of Algebra 370, 266-296, 2012
The bicategories of corings
T Brzeziński, L El Kaoutit, J Gómez-Torrecillas
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 205 (3), 510-541, 2006
Extended distributive law: cowreath over corings
L El Kaoutit
Journal of Algebra and Its Applications 9 (01), 135-171, 2010
Corings over rings with local units
LE Kaoutit
Mathematische Nachrichten 282 (5), 726-747, 2009
Prime and primitive ideals of a class of iterated skew polynomial rings
J Gómez-Torrecillas, LEL Kaoutit
Journal of Algebra 244 (1), 186-216, 2001
Mackey formula for bisets over groupoids
L El Kaoutit, L Spinosa
Journal of Algebra and Its Applications 18 (06), 1950109, 2019
Invertible unital bimodules over rings with local units, and related exact sequences of groups
L El Kaoutit, J Gómez-Torrecillas
Journal of Algebra 323 (1), 224-240, 2010
Comatrix corings and invertible bimodules
L El Kaoutit, J Gómez-Torrecillas
Annali dell’Università di Ferrara 51 (1), 263-280, 2005
Prime ideals of the coordinate ring of quantum symplectic space
J Gómez-Torrecillas, L El Kaoutit, L Benyakoub
Communications in Algebra 29 (7), 3179-3197, 2001
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