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Thordur Helgason
Thordur Helgason
Reykjavik University / Landspitali - Uni. Clinic
landspitali.is üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Muscle, tendons, and bone: structural changes during denervation and FES treatment
P Gargiulo, P Jens Reynisson, B Helgason, H Kern, W Mayr, P Ingvarsson, ...
Neurological Research 33 (7), 750-758, 2011
Monitoring muscle growth and tissue changes induced by electrical stimulation of denervated degenerated muscles with CT and stereolithographic 3D modeling
T Helgason, P Gargiulo, F Jóhannesdóttir, P Ingvarsson, S Knútsdóttir, ...
Artificial Organs 29 (6), 440-443, 2005
Restoration of muscle volume and shape induced by electrical stimulation of denervated degenerated muscles: qualitative and quantitative measurement of changes in rectus …
P Gargiulo, B Vatnsdal, P Ingvarsson, S Knútsdóttir, V Gudmundsdóttir, ...
Artificial organs 32 (8), 609-613, 2008
Effects of fetal and maternal breathing on the ultrasonic Doppler signal due to fetal heart movement
B Karlsson, M Berson, T Helgason, RT Geirsson, L Pourcelot
European journal of ultrasound 11 (1), 47-52, 2000
Monitoring of muscle and bone recovery in spinal cord injury patients treated with electrical stimulation using three‐dimensional imaging and segmentation techniques …
P Gargiulo, T Helgason, PJ Reynisson, B Helgason, H Kern, W Mayr, ...
Artificial organs 35 (3), 275-281, 2011
Quantitative color three-dimensional computer tomography imaging of human long-term denervated muscle
P Gargiulo, H Kern, U Carraro, P Ingvarsson, S Knutsdóttir, ...
Neurological research 32 (1), 13-19, 2010
CT and MRI assessment and characterization using segmentation and 3D modeling techniques: applications to muscle, bone and brain
P Gargiulo, T Helgason, C Ramon, H Jónsson Jr, U Carraro
European Journal of Translational Myology 24 (1), 3298, 2014
Preferential activation of small cutaneous fibers through small pin electrode also depends on the shape of a long duration electrical current
R Hugosdottir, CD Mørch, OK Andersen, T Helgason, L Arendt-Nielsen
BMC neuroscience 20, 1-11, 2019
Distance of foetal movement measured using the analytical signal derived from non-directional Doppler sound
B Karlsson, D Pourcelot, T Helgason, L Pourcelot, M Berson
Medical engineering & physics 20 (5), 325-331, 1998
Computational methods to analyse tissue composition and structural changes in denervated muscle undergoing therapeutic electrical stimulation
P Gargiulo, B Vatnsdal, P Ingvarsson, S Knútsdóttir, V Gudmundsdóttir, ...
Basic Appl Myol/European Journal of Translational Myology 19, 157-161, 2009
Anthropometry of human muscle using segmentation techniques and 3D modelling: applications to lower motor neuron denervated muscle in Spinal Cord Injury
P Gargiulo, U Carraro, T Mandl, H Kern, S Zampieri, W Mayr, T Helgason
Handbook of Anthropometry: Physical Measures of Human Form in Health and …, 2012
Medical image analysis and 3-d modeling to quantify changes and functional restoration in denervated muscle undergoing electrical stimulation treatment
P Gargiulo, T Helgason, P Ingvarsson, W Mayr, H Kern, U Carraro
Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences 2, 1-11, 2012
Effects of sustained electrical stimulation on spasticity assessed by the pendulum test
JL Vargas Luna, HK Guðfinnsdóttir, G Magnúsdóttir, V Guðmundsdóttir, ...
Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering 2 (1), 405-407, 2016
Morphological changes in denervated muscle treated with FES
P Gargiulo, T Helgason, P Ingvarsson, S Knútsdóttir, V Gudmundsdóttir, ...
Basic Appl Myol 17 (3&4), 133-136, 2007
Comparison of spasticity in spinal cord injury and stroke patients using reflex period in pendulum test
K Kristinsdottir, G Magnusdottir, B Chenery, V Gudmundsdottir, ...
European Journal of Translational Myology 30 (1), 8907, 2020
Quantitative colour 3D CT imaging of human long-term denervated muscle. Progression to fibrosis of perimysium and a case report of FES recovery
P Gargiulo, H Kern, U Carraro, P Ingvarsson, S Knútsdóttir, ...
Neurol Res 32 (1), 13-19, 2010
State of the art in 3D printing
MA Pirozzi, D Jacob, T Pálsson, P Gargiulo, T Helgason, H Jónsson Jr
Handbook of Surgical Planning and 3D Printing, 3-36, 2023
Evaluating the ability of non-rectangular electrical pulse forms to preferentially activate nociceptive fibers by comparing perception thresholds
R Hugosdottir, CD Mørch, OK Andersen, T Helgason, L Arendt-Nielsen
Scandinavian Journal of Pain 16 (1), 175-175, 2017
Application of acoustic-electric interaction for neuro-muscular activity mapping: A review
T Helgason, KI Gunnlaugsdottir
European journal of translational myology 24 (4), 4745, 2015
Use of ultrasound current source density imaging (UCSDI) to monitor electrical stimulation of denervated muscles and fiber activity, some theoretical considerations
B Gudjonsdottir, P Gargiulo, T Helgason
10th Vienna Int Workshop Funct Electr Stimul and 15th IFESS Annu Conf …, 2010
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