Takip et
Dr Pramod Jha
Dr Pramod Jha
Principal Scientist, Division of Soil Chemistry and Fertility, ICAR-IISS, Bhopal, India
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Biochar in agriculture–prospects and related implications
P Jha, AK Biswas, BL Lakaria, AS Rao
Current science, 1218-1225, 2010
Crop rotation and residue management effects on soil enzyme activities, glomalin and aggregate stability under zero tillage in the Indo-Gangetic Plains
G Singh, R Bhattacharyya, TK Das, AR Sharma, A Ghosh, S Das, P Jha
Soil and Tillage Research 184, 291-300, 2018
Effect of contrasting tillage and cropping systems on soil aggregation, carbon pools and aggregate‐associated carbon in rainfed Vertisols
J Somasundaram, RS Chaudhary, D Awanish Kumar, AK Biswas, ...
European Journal of Soil Science 69 (5), 879-891, 2018
Soil and residue carbon mineralization as affected by soil aggregate size
P Jha, N Garg, BL Lakaria, AK Biswas, AS Rao
Soil and Tillage Research 121, 57-62, 2012
Leaf litterfall, fine root production and turnover in four major tree species of the semi-arid region of India
P Jha, K Prasad Mohapatra
Plant and Soil 326, 481-491, 2010
Use of biochar for soil health management and greenhouse gas mitigation in India: Potential and constraints
C Srinivasarao, KA Gopinath, G Venkatesh, AK Dubey, H Wakudkar, ...
Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture. Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, 2013
Predicting total organic carbon content of soils from Walkley and Black analysis
P Jha, AK Biswas, BL Lakaria, R Saha, M Singh, AS Rao
Communications in soil science and plant analysis 45 (6), 713-725, 2014
Soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a Vertisol following 50 years of no-tillage, crop stubble retention and nitrogen fertilization
P Jha, KM Hati, RC Dalal, YP Dang, PM Kopittke, NW Menzies
Geoderma 358, 113996, 2020
Soil carbon pools, mineralization and fluxes associated with land use change in Vertisols of Central India
P Jha, A De, BL Lakaria, AK Biswas, M Singh, KS Reddy, AS Rao
National Academy Science Letters 35, 475-483, 2012
Impact of land use on physico-chemical and hydrological properties of ustifluvent soils in riparian zone of river Yamuna, India
P Jha, KP Mohapatra, SK Dubey
Agroforestry systems 80, 437-445, 2010
Soil carbon sequestration potential in a Vertisol in central India-results from a 43-year long-term experiment and APSIM modeling
M Mohanty, NK Sinha, J Somasundaram, SS McDermid, AK Patra, ...
Agricultural Systems 184, 102906, 2020
Effects of carbon input on soil carbon stability and nitrogen dynamics
P Jha, BL Lakaria, AK Biswas, R Saha, P Mahapatra, BK Agrawal, ...
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 189, 36-42, 2014
Carbon addition and storage under integrated nutrient management in soybean–wheat cropping sequence in a vertisol of central India
BL Lakaria, M Singh, K Sammi Reddy, AK Biswas, P Jha, RS Chaudhary, ...
National Academy Science Letters 35, 131-137, 2012
50 years of continuous no-tillage, stubble retention and nitrogen fertilization enhanced macro-aggregate formation and stabilisation in a Vertisol
KM Hati, P Jha, RC Dalal, S Jayaraman, YP Dang, PM Kopittke, ...
Soil and Tillage Research 214, 105163, 2021
Nitrogen processes in agroecosystems of India
AS Rao, P Jha, BP Meena, AK Biswas, BL Lakaria, AK Patra
The Indian nitrogen assessment, 59-76, 2017
Conservation agriculture: a new paradigm for improving input use efficiency and crop productivity
BP Meena, AO Shirale, ML Dotaniya, P Jha, AL Meena, AK Biswas, ...
Conservation agriculture: an approach to combat climate change in Indian …, 2016
Ameliorating effects of Leucaena biochar on soil acidity and exchangeable ions
P Jha, S Neenu, I Rashmi, BP Meena, RC Jatav, BL Lakaria, AK Biswas, ...
Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 47 (10), 1252-1262, 2016
Effect of 50 years of no-tillage, stubble retention, and nitrogen fertilization on soil respiration, easily extractable glomalin, and nitrogen mineralization
P Jha, KM Hati, RC Dalal, YP Dang, PM Kopittke, BA McKenna, ...
Agronomy 12 (1), 151, 2022
Do moisture conservation practices influence stability of soil organic carbon and structure?
A Ghosh, AK Singh, S Kumar, MC Manna, P Jha, R Bhattacharyya, ...
Catena 199, 105127, 2021
Soil microbial population and enzyme activities under organic, biodynamic and conventional agriculture in semi-arid tropical conditions of central India.
SB Aher, BL Lakaria, SK Swami Kaleshananda, AB Singh, ...
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