Takip et
Ilya Markov
Ilya Markov
umail.leidenuniv.nl üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Click models for web search
A Chuklin, I Markov, M De Rijke
Springer Nature, 2022
A neural click model for web search
A Borisov, I Markov, M De Rijke, P Serdyukov
Proceedings of the 25th international conference on world wide web, 531-541, 2016
When people change their mind: Off-policy evaluation in non-stationary recommendation environments
R Jagerman, I Markov, M de Rijke
Proceedings of the twelfth ACM international conference on web search and …, 2019
A click sequence model for web search
A Borisov, M Wardenaar, I Markov, M De Rijke
The 41st international ACM SIGIR conference on research & development in …, 2018
Cascade model-based propensity estimation for counterfactual learning to rank
A Vardasbi, M de Rijke, I Markov
Proceedings of the 43rd International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and …, 2020
A context-aware time model for web search
A Borisov, I Markov, M de Rijke, P Serdyukov
Proceedings of the 39th International ACM SIGIR conference on Research and …, 2016
A comparative study of click models for web search
A Grotov, A Chuklin, I Markov, L Stout, F Xumara, M de Rijke
Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction: 6th …, 2015
BubbleRank: Safe online learning to re-rank via implicit click feedback
C Li, B Kveton, T Lattimore, I Markov, M de Rijke, C Szepesvári, M Zoghi
Uncertainty in artificial intelligence, 196-206, 2020
Overview of the NTCIR-12 IMine-2 Task.
T Yamamoto, Y Liu, M Zhang, Z Dou, K Zhou, I Markov, MP Kato, ...
NTCIR 2016, 94-123, 2016
Distributed information retrieval and applications
F Crestani, I Markov
Advances in Information Retrieval: 35th European Conference on IR Research …, 2013
Manifold learning for rank aggregation
S Liang, I Markov, Z Ren, M de Rijke
Proceedings of the 2018 World Wide Web Conference, 1735-1744, 2018
Theoretical, qualitative, and quantitative analyses of small-document approaches to resource selection
I Markov, F Crestani
ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS) 32 (2), 1-37, 2014
Local Variational Feature-Based Similarity Models for Recommending Top-N New Items
Y Chen, Y Wang, X Zhao, H Yin, I Markov, MD Rijke
ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS) 38 (2), 1-33, 2020
Safe exploration for optimizing contextual bandits
R Jagerman, I Markov, MD Rijke
ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS) 38 (3), 1-23, 2020
Reducing the uncertainty in resource selection
I Markov, L Azzopardi, F Crestani
European Conference on Information Retrieval, 507-519, 2013
Mixture-based correction for position and trust bias in counterfactual learning to rank
A Vardasbi, M de Rijke, I Markov
Proceedings of the 30th ACM international conference on information …, 2021
Conversational exploratory search via interactive storytelling
S Vakulenko, I Markov, M de Rijke
arXiv preprint arXiv:1709.05298, 2017
Unsupervised linear score normalization revisited
I Markov, A Arampatzis, F Crestani
Proceedings of the 35th international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and …, 2012
MergeDTS: A method for effective large-scale online ranker evaluation
C Li, I Markov, MD Rijke, M Zoghi
ACM Transactions on Information Systems (TOIS) 38 (4), 1-28, 2020
On CORI results merging
I Markov, A Arampatzis, F Crestani
Advances in Information Retrieval: 35th European Conference on IR Research …, 2013
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