Accelerated restructuring in rural China fueled by ‘increasing vs. decreasing balance’land-use policy for dealing with hollowed villages H Long, Y Li, Y Liu, M Woods, J Zou Land use policy 29 (1), 11-22, 2012 | 954 | 2012 |
Land consolidation: An indispensable way of spatial restructuring in rural China H Long Journal of Geographical Sciences 24 (2), 211-225, 2014 | 569 | 2014 |
Socio-economic driving forces of land-use change in Kunshan, the Yangtze River Delta economic area of China H Long, G Tang, X Li, GK Heilig Journal of Environmental management 83 (3), 351-364, 2007 | 568 | 2007 |
Building new countryside in China: A geographical perspective H Long, Y Liu, X Li, Y Chen Land use policy 27 (2), 457-470, 2010 | 554 | 2010 |
The allocation and management of critical resources in rural China under restructuring: Problems and prospects H Long, S Tu, D Ge, T Li, Y Liu Journal of Rural Studies 47, 392-412, 2016 | 546 | 2016 |
Spatio-temporal dynamic patterns of farmland and rural settlements in Su–Xi–Chang region: Implications for building a new countryside in coastal China H Long, Y Liu, X Wu, G Dong Land use policy 26 (2), 322-333, 2009 | 527 | 2009 |
The process and driving forces of rural hollowing in China under rapid urbanization Y Liu, Y Liu, Y Chen, H Long Journal of Geographical Sciences 20, 876-888, 2010 | 504 | 2010 |
Effects of land use transitions due to rapid urbanization on ecosystem services: Implications for urban planning in the new developing area of China H Long, Y Liu, X Hou, T Li, Y Li Habitat international 44, 536-544, 2014 | 495 | 2014 |
Analysis of rural transformation development in China since the turn of the new millennium H Long, J Zou, J Pykett, Y Li Applied Geography 31 (3), 1094-1105, 2011 | 485 | 2011 |
Land use transitions and land management: A mutual feedback perspective H Long, Y Qu Land use policy 74, 111-120, 2018 | 479 | 2018 |
Community-based rural residential land consolidation and allocation can help to revitalize hollowed villages in traditional agricultural areas of China: Evidence from Dancheng … Y Li, Y Liu, H Long, W Cui Land Use Policy 39, 188-198, 2014 | 458 | 2014 |
Socio-economic development and land-use change: Analysis of rural housing land transition in the Transect of the Yangtse River, China H Long, GK Heilig, X Li, M Zhang Land Use Policy 24 (1), 141-153, 2007 | 437 | 2007 |
Differentiation of rural development driven by industrialization and urbanization in eastern coastal China H Long, J Zou, Y Liu Habitat international 33 (4), 454-462, 2009 | 391 | 2009 |
Spatial distribution characteristics and optimized reconstruction analysis of China’s rural settlements during the process of rapid urbanization R Yang, Q Xu, H Long Journal of rural studies 47, 413-424, 2016 | 300 | 2016 |
Spatio-temporal analysis of land-use conversion in the eastern coastal China during 1996–2005 Y Liu, L Wang, H Long Journal of Geographical Sciences 18, 274-282, 2008 | 298 | 2008 |
Rural vitalization in China: A perspective of land consolidation H Long, Y Zhang, S Tu Journal of Geographical Sciences 29, 517-530, 2019 | 285 | 2019 |
Spatio-temporal pattern of China's rural development: A rurality index perspective Y Li, H Long, Y Liu Journal of Rural Studies 38, 12-26, 2015 | 285 | 2015 |
Rural restructuring in China H Long, Y Liu Journal of Rural Studies 47, 387-391, 2016 | 278 | 2016 |
Land use policy in China: Introduction H Long Land use policy 40, 1-5, 2014 | 276 | 2014 |
Analysis of arable land loss and its impact on rural sustainability in Southern Jiangsu Province of China YS Liu, JY Wang, HL Long Journal of Environmental Management 91 (3), 646-653, 2010 | 251 | 2010 |