A competence‐based and multidimensional operationalization and measurement of employability CMVD Heijde, BIJM Van Der Heijden Human Resource Management: Published in Cooperation with the School of …, 2006 | 1855 | 2006 |
Organizational climate for innovation and organizational performance: The mediating effect of innovative work behavior R Shanker, R Bhanugopan, BIJM Van der Heijden, M Farrell Journal of vocational behavior 100, 67-77, 2017 | 1034 | 2017 |
Competency development and career success: The mediating role of employability A De Vos, S De Hauw, BIJM Van der Heijden Journal of vocational behavior 79 (2), 438-447, 2011 | 873 | 2011 |
Sustainable careers: Towards a conceptual model A De Vos, BIJM Van der Heijden, J Akkermans Journal of vocational behavior 117, 103196, 2020 | 824 | 2020 |
Strategic human resource management: A balanced approach P Boselie, B van der Heijden McGraw Hill, 2024 | 658 | 2024 |
Toward the employability—link model: current employment transition to future employment perspectives JGL Thijssen, BIJM Van der Heijden, TS Rocco Human resource development review 7 (2), 165-183, 2008 | 654 | 2008 |
Effects of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction on employees’ mental health: A systematic review M Janssen, Y Heerkens, W Kuijer, B Van Der Heijden, J Engels PloS one 13 (1), e0191332, 2018 | 640 | 2018 |
Understanding the factors that promote employability orientation: the impact of employability culture, career satisfaction, and role breadth self‐efficacy A Nauta, A Van Vianen, B Van der Heijden, K Van Dam, M Willemsen Journal of occupational and organizational psychology 82 (2), 233-251, 2009 | 572 | 2009 |
Work-related factors and violence among nursing staff in the European NEXT study: a longitudinal cohort study D Camerino, M Estryn-Behar, PM Conway, BIJM van Der, HM Hasselhorn International journal of nursing studies 45 (1), 35-50, 2008 | 479 | 2008 |
Violence risks in nursing—results from the European ‘NEXT’Study M Estryn-Behar, B Van Der Heijden, D Camerino, C Fry, O Le Nezet, ... Occupational medicine 58 (2), 107-114, 2008 | 468 | 2008 |
Age effects on the employability–career success relationship BIJM Van der Heijden, AH de Lange, E Demerouti, CM Van der Heijde Journal of vocational behavior 74 (2), 156-164, 2009 | 416 | 2009 |
Prerequisites to guarantee life‐long employability B Van der Heijden Personnel review 31 (1), 44-61, 2002 | 415 | 2002 |
Sustainable careers: Introductory chapter BIJM Van der Heijden, A De Vos Handbook of research on sustainable careers, 1-19, 2015 | 393 | 2015 |
The impact of social work environment, teamwork characteristics, burnout, and personal factors upon intent to leave among European nurses M Estryn-Béhar, BIJM Van der Heijden, H Oginska, D Camerino, ... Medical care 45 (10), 939-950, 2007 | 387 | 2007 |
Employability enhancement through formal and informal learning: an empirical study among Dutch non‐academic university staff members B Van Der Heijden, J Boon, M Van der Klink, E Meijs International journal of training and development 13 (1), 19-37, 2009 | 359 | 2009 |
Moving European research on work and ageing forward: Overview and agenda R Schalk, M Van Veldhoven, AH de Lange, H De Witte, K Kraus, ... European journal of work and organizational psychology 19 (1), 76-101, 2010 | 327 | 2010 |
Enjoying new ways to work: An HRM‐process approach to study flow P Peters, E Poutsma, BIJM Van der Heijden, AB Bakker, T Bruijn Human resource management 53 (2), 271-290, 2014 | 300 | 2014 |
Job satisfaction, job stress and nurses’ turnover intentions: The moderating roles of on‐the‐job and off‐the‐job embeddedness U Fasbender, BIJM Van der Heijden, S Grimshaw Journal of advanced nursing 75 (2), 327-337, 2019 | 298 | 2019 |
Work–family interface from a life and career stage perspective: The role of demands and resources E Demerouti, MCW Peeters, BIJM van der Heijden International Journal of Psychology 47 (4), 241-258, 2012 | 296 | 2012 |
Impact of job demands and resources on nurses’ burnout and occupational turnover intention towards an age-moderated mediation model for the nursing profession B Van der Heijden, C Brown Mahoney, Y Xu International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (11), 2011, 2019 | 293 | 2019 |