Takip et
Byunghoon Kim
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Recent progress on multimetal oxide catalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction
JS Kim†, B Kim†, H Kim†, K Kang
Advanced Energy Materials 8 (11), 1702774, 2018
Voltage decay and redox asymmetry mitigation by reversible cation migration in lithium-rich layered oxide electrodes
D Eum†, B Kim†, SJ Kim, H Park, J Wu, SP Cho, G Yoon, MH Lee, ...
Nature materials 19 (4), 419-427, 2020
Nanoscale phenomena in lithium-ion batteries
SK Jung†, I Hwang†, D Chang†, KY Park†, SJ Kim, WM Seong, D Eum, ...
Chemical Reviews 120 (14), 6684-6737, 2019
The role of interlayer chemistry in Li‐metal growth through a garnet‐type solid electrolyte
S Kim, C Jung, H Kim, KE Thomas‐Alyea, G Yoon, B Kim, ME Badding, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 10 (12), 1903993, 2020
Coupling structural evolution and oxygen-redox electrochemistry in layered transition metal oxides
D Eum, B Kim, JH Song, H Park, HY Jang, SJ Kim, SP Cho, MH Lee, ...
Nature Materials 21 (6), 664-672, 2022
Permselective metal–organic framework gel membrane enables long-life cycling of rechargeable organic batteries
S Bai†, B Kim†, C Kim, O Tamwattana, H Park, J Kim, D Lee, K Kang
Nature Nanotechnology 16 (1), 77-84, 2021
Amorphous cobalt phyllosilicate with layered crystalline motifs as water oxidation catalyst
JS Kim†, I Park†, ES Jeong, K Jin, WM Seong, G Yoon, H Kim, B Kim, ...
Advanced Materials 29 (21), 1606893, 2017
Non‐Electrode Components for Rechargeable Aqueous Zinc Batteries: Electrolytes, Solid‐Electrolyte‐Interphase, Current Collectors, Binders, and Separators
Q Ni†, B Kim†, C Wu, K Kang
Advanced Materials, 2108206, 2022
Anionic redox activity regulated by transition metal in lithium‐rich layered oxides
JH Song, G Yoon, B Kim, D Eum, H Park, DH Kim, K Kang
Advanced Energy Materials 10 (31), 2001207, 2020
Stepwise Dopant Selection Process for High‐Nickel Layered Oxide Cathodes
DH Kim†, JH Song†, CH Jung†, D Eum, B Kim, SH Hong, K Kang
Advanced Energy Materials, 2200136, 2022
Redox mediators: a solution for advanced lithium–oxygen batteries
Y Ko†, H Park†, B Kim†, JS Kim, K Kang
Trends in Chemistry 1 (3), 349-360, 2019
A new lithium diffusion model in layered oxides based on asymmetric but reversible transition metal migration
K Ku, B Kim, SK Jung, Y Gong, D Eum, G Yoon, KY Park, J Hong, SP Cho, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 13 (4), 1269-1278, 2020
A theoretical framework for oxygen redox chemistry for sustainable batteries
B Kim, JH Song, D Eum, S Yu, K Oh, MH Lee, HY Jang, K Kang
Nature Sustainability 5 (8), 708-716, 2022
Using First‐Principles Calculations for the Advancement of Materials for Rechargeable Batteries
G Yoon†, DH Kim†, I Park†, D Chang, B Kim, B Lee, K Oh, K Kang
Advanced Functional Materials 27 (40), 1702887, 2017
Design of a trigonal halide superionic conductor by regulating cation order-disorder
S Yu, J Noh, B Kim, JH Song, K Oh, J Yoo, S Lee, SO Park, W Kim, ...
Science 382 (6670), 573-579, 2023
Native Defects in Li10GeP2S12 and Their Effect on Lithium Diffusion
K Oh, D Chang, B Lee, DH Kim, G Yoon, I Park, B Kim, K Kang
Chemistry of Materials 30 (15), 4995-5004, 2018
Probing lithium metals in batteries by advanced characterization and analysis tools
H Park†, O Tamwattana†, J Kim, S Buakeaw, R Hongtong, B Kim, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 11 (15), 2003039, 2021
Effects of cation superstructure ordering on oxygen redox stability in O2-type lithium-rich layered oxides
D Eum, HY Jang, B Kim, J Chung, D Kim, SP Cho, SH Song, S Kang, S Yu, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 16 (2), 673-686, 2023
Redox-sensitive facet dependency in etching of ceria nanocrystals directly observed by liquid cell TEM
J Sung†, BK Choi†, B Kim, BH Kim, J Kim, D Lee, S Kim, K Kang, T Hyeon, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 141 (46), 18395-18399, 2019
Amorphous multinary phyllosilicate catalysts for electrochemical water oxidation
B Kim†, JS Kim†, H Kim, I Park, WM Seong, K Kang
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 7 (31), 18380-18387, 2019
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