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Catherine Thevenot
Catherine Thevenot
University of Lausanne, Institute of Psychology
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
The use of procedural knowledge in simple addition and subtraction problems
M Fayol, C Thevenot
Cognition 123 (3), 392-403, 2012
Strategies in subtraction problem solving in children
P Barrouillet, M Mignon, C Thevenot
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 99 (4), 233-251, 2008
On the problem-size effect in small additions: Can we really discard any counting-based account?
P Barrouillet, C Thevenot
Cognition 128 (1), 35-44, 2013
Why does placing the question before an arithmetic word problem improve performance? A situation model account
C Thevenot, M Devidal, P Barrouillet, M Fayol
Quarterly journal of experimental psychology 60 (1), 43-56, 2007
Running the number line: Rapid shifts of attention in single-digit arithmetic
R Mathieu, A Gourjon, A Couderc, C Thevenot, J Prado
Cognition 146, 229-239, 2016
Arithmetic word problem solving: Evidence for the construction of a mental model
C Thevenot
Acta psychologica 133 (1), 90-95, 2010
The strategic use of alternative representations in arithmetic word problem solving
C Thevenot, J Oakhill
The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A 58 (7), 1311-1323, 2005
Fast automated counting procedures in addition problem solving: When are they used and why are they mistaken for retrieval?
K Uittenhove, C Thevenot, P Barrouillet
Cognition 146, 289-303, 2016
Ten-year-old children strategies in mental addition: A counting model account
C Thevenot, P Barrouillet, C Castel, K Uittenhove
Cognition 146, 48-57, 2016
Retrieval or nonretrieval strategies in mental arithmetic? An operand recognition paradigm
C Thevenot, M Fanget, M Fayol
Memory & cognition 35, 1344-1352, 2007
Algorithmic solution of arithmetic problems and operands-answer associations in long-term memory
C Thevenot, P Barrouillet, M Fayol
The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A 54 (2), 599-611, 2001
The role of fingers in number processing in young children
A Lafay, C Thevenot, C Castel, M Fayol
Frontiers in psychology 4, 488, 2013
Mental subtraction in high-and lower skilled arithmetic problem solvers: Verbal report versus operand-recognition paradigms.
C Thevenot, C Castel, M Fanget, M Fayol
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 36 (5), 1242, 2010
Representations and strategies for solving dynamic and static arithmetic word problems: The role of working memory capacities
C Thevenot, J Oakhill
European Journal of Cognitive Psychology 18 (5), 756-775, 2006
What's behind a “+” sign? Perceiving an arithmetic operator recruits brain circuits for spatial orienting
R Mathieu, J Epinat-Duclos, M Sigovan, A Breton, A Cheylus, M Fayol, ...
Cerebral Cortex 28 (5), 1673-1684, 2018
An insect brain organizes numbers on a left-to-right mental number line
M Giurfa, C Marcout, P Hilpert, C Thevenot, R Rugani
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (44), e2203584119, 2022
Do not count on me to imagine how I act: behavior contradicts questionnaire responses in the assessment of finger counting habits
A Lucidi, C Thevenot
Behavior research methods 46, 1079-1087, 2014
High working memory capacity favours the use of finger counting in six-year-old children
J Dupont-Boime, C Thevenot
Journal of Cognitive Psychology 30 (1), 35-42, 2018
Successful aging: The role of cognitive gerontology
A Hartley, L Angel, A Castel, A Didierjean, L Geraci, J Hartley, E Hazeltine, ...
Experimental aging research 44 (1), 82-93, 2018
Arithmetic word problem solving and mental representations
C Thevenot, P Barrouillet
The Oxford handbook of numerical cognition, 158-179, 2015
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