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Peter Wendorff
Peter Wendorff
Software Research Ltd
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Assessment of design patterns during software reengineering: Lessons learned from a large commercial project
P Wendorff
Software Maintenance and Reengineering, 2001. Fifth European Conference on …, 2001
A Framework of Personal Knowledge Management in the Context of Organisational Knowledge Management.
D Apshvalka, P Wendorff
ECKM, 34-41, 2005
Organisational culture in agile software development
P Wendorff
Product Focused Software Process Improvement, 145-157, 2002
An essential distinction of agile software development processes based on systems thinking in software engineering management
P Wendorff
Third International Conference on eXtreme Programming and Agile Processes in …, 2002
The knowledge management strategy of agile software development
D Apšvalka, P Wendorff
publication. editionName, 607-614, 2005
A formal approach to the assessment and improvement of terminological models used in information systems engineering
P Wendorff
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 26 (5), 83-87, 2001
Systems thinking in extreme programming
P Wendorff
ECIS 2002 Proceedings, 103, 2002
Linking concepts to identifiers in information systems engineering
P Wendorff
Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Workshop on Information Technologies and …, 1999
Human Knowledge-Management and Decision-Making in Software Development Method Selection
P Wendorff, D Apšvalka
publication. editionName, 143-157, 2005
Reflections on the Body of Knowledge in Software Engineering
D Apshvalka, P Wendorff
Advances in Information Systems Development, 995-1006, 2006
Politics in Software Development: Navigating Stakeholder Power and Conflict in Organizations
P Wendorff
Springer Books, 148, 2022
A Case Study of a Practitioner Researcher in Information Systems Development
P Wendorff
Annual Conference of the UK Academy of Information Systems, 19-20, 2013
Organisational Control of Software Projects
P Wendorff
18th Annual Workshop of the German Informatics Society Special Interest …, 2011
Coaching the Application of Agile Software Development
P Wendorff
Organizational Dynamics of Technology-Based Innovation: Diversifying the …, 2007
Application of Evaluation Research in Software Quality Management: Lessons Learned from Two Projects
P Wendorff
8th Conference on Quality Engineering in Software Technology (CONQUEST), 85-98, 2004
Acceptance As Human Behaviour in Organisations
P Wendorff
11th Annual Workshop of the German Informatics Society Special Interest …, 2004
The Effective Communication of Evaluation Results to Business Executives
P Wendorff
Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Information Technology …, 2004
An Analysis of Extreme Programming Based on the Classical Model of Management Functions
P Wendorff
New Perspectives on Information Systems Development, 217-227, 2002
Applicability of the Object Constraint Language (OCL) in Commercial Software Development for Vehicle Routing and Scheduling Software.
P Wendorff
Modellierung, 28-37, 2001
Implementierung einer anwendungsspezifischen formalen Beschreibungssprache durch einen Application-Framework
P Wendorff
EMISA Forum 6 (1), 42-45, 1996
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