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Jean Meullenet
Jean Meullenet
uark.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
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Alıntı yapanlar
Consumers’ willingness to pay for organic chicken breast: Evidence from choice experiment
EJ Van Loo, V Caputo, RM Nayga Jr, JF Meullenet, SC Ricke
Food quality and preference 22 (7), 603-613, 2011
The application of check-all-that-apply (CATA) consumer profiling to preference mapping of vanilla ice cream and its comparison to classical external preference mapping
L Dooley, Y Lee, JF Meullenet
Food quality and preference 21 (4), 394-401, 2010
Effect of organic poultry purchase frequency on consumer attitudes toward organic poultry meat
E Van Loo, V Caputo, RM Nayga, Jr, JF Meullenet, PG Crandall, SC Ricke
Journal of food science 75 (7), S384-S397, 2010
Relationship between sensory and instrumental texture profile attributes
JF MEULLENET, BG Lyon, JA Carpenter, CE Lyon
Journal of sensory studies 13 (1), 77-93, 1998
Rice milling quality, grain dimensions, and starch branching as affected by high night temperatures
PA Counce, RJ Bryant, CJ Bergman, RC Bautista, YJ Wang, ...
Cereal chemistry 82 (6), 645-648, 2005
Multivariate and probabilistic analyses of sensory science problems
JF Meullenet, R Xiong, CJ Findlay
John Wiley & Sons, 2008
Sensory descriptive texture analyses of cooked rice and its correlation to instrumental parameters using an extrusion cell
JFC Meullenet, J Gross, BP Marks, M Daniels
Cereal Chemistry 75 (5), 714-720, 1998
Edible film coating to minimize eggshell breakage and reduce post‐wash bacterial contamination measured by dye penetration in eggs
L Xie, NS Hettiarachchy, ZY Ju, J Meullenet, H Wang, MF Slavik, ...
Journal of Food Science 67 (1), 280-284, 2002
Background music genre can modulate flavor pleasantness and overall impression of food stimuli
A Fiegel, JF Meullenet, RJ Harrington, R Humble, HS Seo
Appetite 76, 144-152, 2014
A PLS dummy variable approach to assess the impact of jar attributes on liking
R Xiong, JF Meullenet
Food quality and preference 17 (3-4), 188-198, 2006
Sensory quality of cooked long‐grain rice as affected by rough rice moisture content, storage temperature, and storage duration
JF Meullenet, BP Marks, JA Hankins, VK Griffin, MJ Daniels
Cereal chemistry 77 (2), 259-263, 2000
Effects of long‐grain rough rice storage history on end‐use quality
MJ Daniels, BP Marks, TJ Siebenmorgen, RW McNew, JF Meullenet
Journal of Food Science 63 (5), 832-840, 1998
Effects of postharvest parameters on functional changes during rough rice storage
MD Pearce, BP Marks, JF Meullenet
Cereal chemistry 78 (3), 354-357, 2001
Prediction of the texture of cooked poultry pectoralis major muscles by near‐infrared reflectance analysis of raw meat
JF MEULLENET, E Jonville, D Grezes, CM Owens
Journal of Texture Studies 35 (6), 573-585, 2004
A comparison of three instrumental tests for predicting sensory texture profiles of cheese
Journal of Texture Studies 32 (1), 41-55, 2001
Effect of malic and lactic acid incorporated soy protein coatings on the sensory attributes of whole apple and fresh‐cut cantaloupe
S Eswaranandam, NS Hettiarachchy, JF Meullenet
Journal of Food Science 71 (3), S307-S313, 2006
Effects of rough rice drying and storage conditions on sensory profiles of cooked rice
JFC Meullenet, BP Marks, K Griffin, MJ Daniels
Cereal Chemistry 76 (4), 483-486, 1999
An in vitro study of dental microwear formation using the BITE Master II chewing machine
LC Hua, ET Brandt, JF Meullenet, ZR Zhou, PS Ungar
American Journal of Physical Anthropology 158 (4), 769-775, 2015
Electrostatic Sprays of Food‐Grade Acids and Plant Extracts are More Effective than Conventional Sprays in Decontaminating Salmonella Typhimurium on Spinach
V Ganesh, NS Hettiarachchy, M Ravichandran, MG Johnson, CL Griffis, ...
Journal of Food Science 75 (9), M574-M579, 2010
Comparative study of texture terms: English, French, Japanese and Chinese
K Nishinari, F Hayakawa, CFEI XIA, L Huang, JF MEULLENET, ...
Journal of texture studies 39 (5), 530-568, 2008
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