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Alexander N. Manashov
Alexander N. Manashov
Hamburg University & Steklov Math. Inst., St. Petersburg,
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Baryon distribution amplitudes in QCD
VM Braun, SE Derkachov, GP Korchemsky, AN Manashov
Nuclear Physics B 553 (1-2), 355-426, 1999
Integrability of three-particle evolution equations in QCD
VM Braun, SE Derkachov, AN Manashov
Physical Review Letters 81 (10), 2020, 1998
Noncompact Heisenberg spin magnets from high-energy QCD: I. Baxter Q-operator and separation of variables
SE Derkachov, GP Korchemsky, AN Manashov
Nuclear Physics B 617 (1-3), 375-440, 2001
Scale dependence of twist-three contributions to single spin asymmetries
VM Braun, AN Manashov, B Pirnay
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 80 (11), 114002, 2009
Evolution equations for quark–gluon distributions in multi-color QCD and open spin chains
SE Derkachov, GP Korchemsky, AN Manashov
Nuclear Physics B 566 (1-2), 203-251, 2000
Separation of variables for the quantum SL (2, ℝ) spin chain
SE Derkachov, GP Korchemsky, AN Manashov
Journal of High Energy Physics 2003 (07), 047, 2003
Higher-twist B-meson Distribution Amplitudes in HQET
VM Braun, Y Ji, AN Manashov
Journal of High Energy Physics 2017 (5), 1-41, 2017
Superconformal operators in super-Yang-Mills theory
AV Belitsky, SE Derkachov, GP Korchemsky, AN Manashov
Physical Review D 70 (4), 045021, 2004
Deeply virtual Compton scattering to the twist-four accuracy: Impact of finite- and target mass corrections
VM Braun, AN Manashov, D Müller, BM Pirnay
Physical Review D 89 (7), 074022, 2014
Noncompact Heisenberg spin magnets from high-energy QCD II. Quantization conditions and energy spectrum
SE Derkachov, GP Korchemsky, J Kotański, AN Manashov
Nuclear Physics B 645 (1-2), 237-297, 2002
Dilatation operator in (super-) Yang–Mills theories on the light-cone
AV Belitsky, SE Derkachov, GP Korchemsky, AN Manashov
Nuclear Physics B 708 (1-3), 115-193, 2005
Operator product expansion in QCD in off-forward kinematics: Separation of kinematic and dynamical contributions
VM Braun, AN Manashov
Journal of High Energy Physics 2012 (1), 1-68, 2012
Finite- and Target-Mass Corrections to Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering
VM Braun, AN Manashov, B Pirnay
Physical Review Letters 109 (24), 242001, 2012
Baryon operators of higher twist in QCD and nucleon distribution amplitudes
VM Braun, AN Manashov, J Rohrwild
Nuclear physics B 807 (1-2), 89-137, 2009
Three-loop evolution equation for flavor-nonsinglet operators in off-forward kinematics
VM Braun, AN Manashov, S Moch, M Strohmaier
Journal of high energy physics 2017 (6), 1-35, 2017
Quantum integrability in (super) Yang–Mills theory on the light-cone
AV Belitsky, SE Derkachov, GP Korchemsky, AN Manashov
Physics Letters B 594 (3-4), 385-401, 2004
Finite- and target mass corrections to deeply virtual Compton scattering on a scalar target
VM Braun, AN Manashov, B Pirnay
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 86 (1), 014003, 2012
Solution of the multi-Reggeon compound state problem in multicolor QCD
GP Korchemsky, J Kotański, AN Manashov
Physical review letters 88 (12), 122002, 2002
Baxter ℚ-operator and separation of variablesfor the open SL (2, ℝ) spin chain
SÉ Derkachov, GP Korchemsky, AN Manashov
Journal of High Energy Physics 2003 (10), 053, 2003
Generalized parton distributions for the pion in chiral perturbation theory
M Diehl, A Manashov, A Schäfer
Physics Letters B 622 (1-2), 69-82, 2005
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