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Søren Laurentius Nielsen
Søren Laurentius Nielsen
Senior consultant, Ocean Institute
taenketankenhav.dk üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Distribution, structure and function of Nordic eelgrass (Zostera marina) ecosystems: implications for coastal management and conservation
C Boström, S Baden, AC Bockelmann, K Dromph, S Fredriksen, ...
Aquatic conservation: marine and freshwater ecosystems 24 (3), 410-434, 2014
Depth colonization of eelgrass (Zostera marina) and macroalgae as determined by water transparency in Danish coastal waters
SL Nielsen, K Sand-Jensen, J Borum, O Geertz-Hansen
Estuaries 25, 1025-1032, 2002
Scaling maximum growth rates across photosynthetic organisms
SL Nielsen, S Enriquez, CM Duarte, K Sand-Jensen
Functional Ecology, 167-175, 1996
Sediment sulfur dynamics related to biomass-density patterns in Zostera marina (eelgrass) beds
M Holmer, SL Nielsen
Marine Ecology Progress Series 44 (7), 1997
Allometric settling of maximal photosynthetic growth rate to surface/volume ratio
SL Nielsen, KS Jensen
Limnology and Oceanography 35 (1), 177-180, 1990
Photosynthetic use of inorganic carbon among primary and secondary water plants in streams
KAJ SAND‐JENSEN, MF Pedersen, SL Nielsen
Freshwater Biology 27 (2), 283-293, 1992
Phytoplankton, nutrients, and transparency in Danish coastal waters
SL Nielsen, K Sand-Jensen, J Borum, O Geertz-Hansen
Estuaries 25, 930-937, 2002
The importance of mineralization based on sulfate reduction for nutrient regeneration in tropical seagrass sediments
M Holmer, FØ Andersen, SL Nielsen, HTS Boschker
Aquatic Botany 71 (1), 1-17, 2001
The essentials of marine biotechnology
A Rotter, M Barbier, F Bertoni, AM Bones, ML Cancela, J Carlsson, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 629629, 2021
Temperature acclimation and heat tolerance of photosynthesis in Norwegian Saccharina latissima (Laminariales, Phaeophyceae)
GS Andersen, MF Pedersen, SL Nielsen
Journal of phycology 49 (4), 689-700, 2013
Broad-scale comparison of photosynthetic rates across phototrophic organisms
S Enríquez, CM Duarte, K Sand-Jensen, SL Nielsen
Oecologia 108, 197-206, 1996
Dynamics of a landscape mosaic: size and age distributions, growth and demography of seagrass Cymodocea nodosa patches
B Vidondo, CM Duarte, AL Middelboe, K Stefansen, T Lützen, SL Nielsen
Marine Ecology Progress Series 158, 131-138, 1997
Overview and challenges of large-scale cultivation of photosynthetic microalgae and cyanobacteria
L Novoveská, SL Nielsen, OT Eroldoğan, BZ Haznedaroglu, B Rinkevich, ...
Marine drugs 21 (8), 445, 2023
A synthesis of bacterial and archaeal phenotypic trait data
JS Madin, DA Nielsen, M Brbic, R Corkrey, D Danko, K Edwards, ...
Scientific data 7 (1), 170, 2020
Size-dependent growth rates in eukaryotic and prokaryotic algae exemplified by green algae and cyanobacteria: comparisons between unicells and colonial growth forms
SL Nielsen
Journal of plankton research 28 (5), 489-498, 2006
Variation in growth rates of submerged rooted macrophytes
SL Nielsen, K Sand-Jensen
Aquatic Botany 39 (1-2), 109-120, 1991
Sea bottom characteristics affect depth limits of eelgrass Zostera marina
D Krause-Jensen, J Carstensen, SL Nielsen, T Dalsgaard, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 425, 91-102, 2011
Regulation of photosynthetic rates of submerged rooted macrophytes
SL Nielsen, KAJ Sand-Jensen
Oecologia 81, 364-368, 1989
Decomposition of marine primary producers: consequences for nutrient recycling and retention in coastal ecosystems
GT Banta, MF Pedersen, SL Nielsen
Estuarine nutrient cycling: the influence of primary producers, 187-216, 2004
Optimization of photosynthesis, growth, and biochemical composition of the microalga Rhodomonas salina—an established diet for live feed copepods in aquaculture
MTT Vu, C Douëtte, TA Rayner, C Thoisen, SL Nielsen, BW Hansen
Journal of Applied Phycology 28, 1485-1500, 2016
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