Takip et
Helena Wang
Helena Wang
nyu.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Temporal eye movement strategies during naturalistic viewing
HX Wang, J Freeman, EP Merriam, U Hasson, DJ Heeger
Journal of vision 12 (1), 16-16, 2012
Motion direction biases and decoding in human visual cortex
HX Wang, EP Merriam, J Freeman, DJ Heeger
Journal of Neuroscience 34 (37), 12601-12615, 2014
Properties of pattern and component direction-selective cells in area MT of the macaque
HX Wang, JA Movshon
Journal of neurophysiology 115 (6), 2705-2720, 2016
Responses to second-order texture modulations undergo surround suppression
HX Wang, DJ Heeger, MS Landy
Vision Research 62, 192-200, 2012
A non-invasive, quantitative study of broadband spectral responses in human visual cortex
ER Kupers, HX Wang, K Amano, KN Kay, DJ Heeger, J Winawer
PLoS One 13 (3), e0193107, 2018
Suppressive interactions underlying visually evoked fixational saccades
HX Wang, S Yuval-Greenberg, DJ Heeger
Vision research 118, 70-82, 2016
Broadband spectral responses in visual cortex revealed by a new MEG denoising algorithm
E Kupers, H Wang, K Kay, D Heeger, J Winawer
Journal of Vision 15 (12), 1285-1285, 2015
A non-invasive, quantitative study of broadband spectral responses in human visual cortex
ER Kupers, HX Wang, K Amano, KN Kay, DJ Heeger, J Winawer
bioRxiv, 108993, 2017
Psychophysical evidence for normalization in second-order mechanisms
HX Wang, MS Landy, DJ Heeger
Journal of Vision 11 (11), 1173-1173, 2011
Temporal scramble disrupts eye movements to naturalistic videos
H Wang, J Freeman, EP Merriam, U Hasson, DJ Heeger
Journal of Vision 10 (7), 528-528, 2010
Supplementary Material to'Motion direction biases and decoding in human visual cortex'in J Neurosci (2014)
HX Wang, EP Merriam, J Freeman, DJ Heeger
Suppressive interactions underlying visually evoked miniature saccades
HX Wang, S Yuval-Greenberg, DJ Heeger
Journal of Vision 13 (9), 1338-1338, 2013
Suppressive computations underlying visual and visuomotor processes
HX Wang
New York University, 2013
Temporal eye movement strategies
HX Wang, J Freeman, EP Merriam, U Hasson, DJ Heeger
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