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Peter K. Zeitler
Peter K. Zeitler
Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lehigh University
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Petrogenetic and tectonic significance of young leucogranites from the northwestern Himalaya, Pakistan.
PK Zeitler, CP Chamberlain
Tectonics 10 (4), 729-741, 1991
Cooling history of the NW Himalaya, Pakistan
PK Zeitler
Tectonics 4 (1), 127-151, 1985
Cooling history of the NW Himalaya
PK Zeitler
Tectonics 4 (1), 127-151, 1985
Erosion, Himalayan geodynamics, and the geomorphology of metamorphism
PK Zeitler, AS Meltzer, PO Koons, D Craw, B Hallet, CP Chamberlain, ...
Gsa Today 11 (1), 4-9, 2001
U-Th-He dating of apatite: A potential thermochronometer
PK Zeitler, AL Herczeg, I McDougall, M Honda
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 51 (10), 2865-2868, 1987
Past, present, and future of thermochronology
PW Reiners, TA Ehlers, PK Zeitler
Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry 58 (1), 1-18, 2005
Neogene Patagonian plateau lavas: continental magmas associated with ridge collision at the Chile Triple Junction
ML Gorring, SM Kay, PK Zeitler, VA Ramos, D Rubiolo, MI Fernandez, ...
Tectonics 16 (1), 1-17, 1997
Climatic and ecologic changes during Miocene surface uplift in the Southern Patagonian Andes
PM Blisniuk, LA Stern, CP Chamberlain, B Idleman, PK Zeitler
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 230 (1-2), 125-142, 2005
Geodynamics of the southeastern Tibetan Plateau from seismic anisotropy and geodesy
S Sol, A Meltzer, R Burgmann, RD Van der Hilst, R King, Z Chen, ...
Geology 35 (6), 563-566, 2007
Coupling of rock uplift and river incision in the Namche Barwa–Gyala Peri massif, Tibet
NJ Finnegan, B Hallet, DR Montgomery, PK Zeitler, JO Stone, AM Anders, ...
Geological Society of America Bulletin 120 (1-2), 142-155, 2008
Synchronous anatexis, metamorphism, and rapid denudation at Nanga Parbat (Pakistan Himalaya)
PK Zeitler, CP Chamberlain, HA Smith
Geology 21 (4), 347-350, 1993
Crustal reworking at Nanga Parbat, Pakistan: Metamorphic consequences of thermal‐mechanical coupling facilitated by erosion
PK Zeitler, PO Koons, MP Bishop, CP Chamberlain, D Craw, MA Edwards, ...
Tectonics 20 (5), 712-728, 2001
History of uplift and relief of the Himalaya during the past 18 million years: Evidence from fission-track ages of detrital zircons from sandstones of the Siwalik Group
PF Cerveny, ND Naeser, PK Zeitler, CW Naeser, NM Johnson
New perspectives in basin analysis, 43-61, 1988
U-Pb zircon constraints on the tectonic evolution of southeastern Tibet, Namche Barwa area
AL Booth, PK Zeitler, WSF Kidd, J Wooden, Y Liu, B Idleman, M Hren, ...
American Journal of Science 304 (10), 889-929, 2004
Fission-track evidence for Quaternary uplift of the Nanga Parbat region, Pakistan
PK Zeitler, NM Johnson, CW Naeser, RAK Tahirkheli
Nature 298 (5871), 255-257, 1982
Mechanical links between erosion and metamorphism in Nanga Parbat, Pakistan Himalaya
PO Koons, PK Zeitler, CP Chamberlain, D Craw, AS Meltzer
American Journal of Science 302 (9), 749-773, 2002
Chronology of internal drainage development and uplift, southern Puna plateau, Argentine central Andes
DS Vandervoort, TE Jordan, PK Zeitler, RN Alonso
Geology 23 (2), 145-148, 1995
Tectonics and topographic evolution of Namche Barwa and the easternmost Lhasa block, Tibet
PK Zeitler, AS Meltzer, L Brown, WSF Kidd, C Lim, E Enkelmann
Constraints on the metamorphic evolution of the eastern Himalayan syntaxis from geochronologic and petrologic studies of Namche Barwa
AL Booth, CP Chamberlain, WSF Kidd, PK Zeitler
Geological Society of America Bulletin 121 (3-4), 385-407, 2009
Unroofing history of a suture zone in the Himalaya of Pakistan by means of fission-track annealing ages
PK Zeitler, RAK Tahirkheli, CW Naeser, NM Johnson
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 57 (1), 227-240, 1982
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