Takip et
Pascual Jara
Pascual Jara
ugr.es üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Prüfer⋆-multiplication domains and semistar operations
M Fontana, P Jara, E Santos
Journal of Algebra and Its Applications 2 (01), 21-50, 2003
On iterated twisted tensor products of algebras
P Jara Martínez, JL Pena, F Panaite, F Van Oystaeyen
International Journal of Mathematics 19 (09), 1053-1101, 2008
Compatibility, stability, and sheaves
JL Bueso, P Jara, A Verschoren
CRC Press, 1994
Hopf–cyclic homology and relative cyclic homology of Hopf–Galois extensions
P Jara, D Ştefan
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 93 (1), 138-174, 2006
Localization in coalgebras. Stable localizations and path coalgebras
P Jara, L Merino, G Navarro, JF Ruiz
Communications in Algebra® 34 (8), 2843-2856, 2006
Hereditary and formally smooth coalgebras
P Jara, L Merino, D Llena, D Ştefan
Algebras and representation theory 8 (3), 363-374, 2005
Cyclic homology of Hopf Galois extensions and Hopf algebras
P Jara, D Stefan
arXiv preprint math/0307099, 2003
On the Classification of Twisting Maps Between K n and K m
P Jara, J López Peña, G Navarro, D Ştefan
Algebras and representation theory 14 (5), 869-895, 2011
Prüfer∗-multiplication domains and torsion theories
JM García, P Jara, E Santos
Communications in Algebra 27 (3), 1275-1295, 1999
Prime path coalgebras
P Jara, L Merino, G Navarro, JF Ruíz
arXiv preprint arXiv:0802.0692, 2008
Localization in tame and wild coalgebras
P Jara, LM Merino, G Navarro
Journal of pure and applied algebra 211 (2), 342-359, 2007
Lie bracket of vector fields in noncommutative geometry
P Jara, D Llena
Czechoslovak journal of physics 53, 743-758, 2003
On the left spectrum of a ring
P Jara, P Verhaeghe, A Verschoren
Communications in Algebra 22 (8), 2983-3002, 1994
Full and folded forms: a compact review of the formulation of tensegrity structures
E Hernández-Montes, MA Fernández-Ruiz, LM Gil-Martín, L Merino, ...
Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 23 (6), 944-949, 2018
On path coalgebras of quivers with relations
P Jara, LM Merino, G Navarro
Colloquium Mathematicum 102, 49-65, 2005
Locally finite representations of algebras
JG Torrecillas, P Jara, L Merino
Communications in Algebra 24 (14), 4581-4601, 1996
Localization and sheaves: a relative point of view
J Pascual, C Vidal, A Verschoren
CRC Press, 1995
Koszul pairs and applications
P Jara, JL Peña, D Ştefan
Journal of Noncommutative Geometry 11 (4), 1289-1350, 2017
Duality, localization and completion
JL Bueso, P Jara, A Verschoren
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 94 (2), 127-141, 1994
A generalization of semisimple modules
JL Bueso, P Jara
Methods in Ring Theory, 53-65, 1984
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