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Claudia-Melania Chituc
Claudia-Melania Chituc
DIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Interoperability in Collaborative Networks: Independent and industry-specific initiatives–The case of the footwear industry
CM Chituc, C Toscano, A Azevedo
Computers in Industry 59 (7), 741-757, 2008
A framework proposal for seamless interoperability in a collaborative networked environment
CM Chituc, A Azevedo, C Toscano
Computers in industry 60 (5), 317-338, 2009
The Join/Leave/Remain (JLR) decision in collaborative networked organizations
CM Chituc, SY Nof
Computers & Industrial Engineering 53 (1), 173-195, 2007
Challenges and Trends in Distributed Manufacturing Systems: Are wise engineering systems the ultimate answer?
CM Chituc, FJ de Oliveira Restivo
Second MIT International Symposium on Engineering Systems, 2009
Multi-perspective challenges on collaborative networks business environments
CM Chituc, AL Azevedo
Collaborative Networks and Their Breeding Environments: IFIP TC5 WG 5.5 …, 2005
XML interoperability standards for seamless communication: An analysis of industry-neutral and domain-specific initiatives
CM Chituc
Computers in Industry 92, 118-136, 2017
A framework for Education 4.0 in digital education ecosystems
CM Chituc
Smart and Sustainable Collaborative Networks 4.0: 22nd IFIP WG 5.5 Working …, 2021
Towards the creation of a digital business ecosystem for the shoe manufacturing domain
CM Chituc, C Toscano, A Azevedo
2007 Inaugural IEEE-IES Digital EcoSystems and Technologies Conference, 88-93, 2007
Collaborative business frameworks comparison, analysis and selection: an analytic perspective
CM Chituc, A Azevedo, C Toscano
International journal of production research 47 (17), 4855-4883, 2009
Business networking: The technological infrastructure support
CM Chituc, AL Azevedo
Knowledge and technology management in virtual organizations: Issues, trends …, 2007
Towards identifying the business value of big data in a digital business ecosystem: A case study from the financial services industry
A de Vries, CM Chituc, F Pommeé
Business Information Systems: 19th International Conference, BIS 2016 …, 2016
Towards seamless interoperability in collaborative networks
CM Chituc, C Toscano, AL Azevedo
Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, 445-452, 2007
Interoperability in Collaborative Networks: an innovative approach for the shoe up-stream business segment
CM Chituc, C Toscano, A Azevedo
Enterprise Interoperability Ii: New Challenges and Approaches, 557-568, 2007
An analysis of technical challenges for education 4.0 and digital education ecosystems
CM Chituc
2022 IEEE German Education Conference (GeCon), 1-5, 2022
Understanding the Importance of Interoperability Standards in the Classroom of the Future
CM Chituc, M Rittberger
IECON 2019-45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2019
IoT for Healthcare: An architecture and prototype implementation for the remote e-health device management using Continua and LwM2M protocols
M Li, E Moll, CM Chituc
IECON 2018-44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2018
Towards assessing performance in service computing
CM Chituc
Service-Oriented Computing: ICSOC 2010 International Workshops, PAASC, WESOA …, 2011
Interoperability Standards in the IoT-enabled Future Learning Environments: An analysis of the challenges for seamless communication
CM Chituc
2020 13th International Conference on Communications (COMM), 417-422, 2020
Designing and deploying a business process for product recovery and repair at a servicing organization: A case study and framework proposal
I Kodhelaj, CM Chituc, E Beunders, D Janssen
Computers in Industry 105, 80-98, 2019
E-business and collaborative networks: A service-oriented ICT platform for the footwear industry
CM Chituc, C Toscano, A Azevedo
2007 5th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics 1, 591-596, 2007
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