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Alıntı yapanlar
Twistslam: Constrained slam in dynamic environment
M Gonzalez, E Marchand, A Kacete, J Royan
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 7 (3), 6846-6853, 2022
Real-time eye pupil localization using Hough regression forest
A Kacete, J Royan, R Seguier, M Collobert, C Soladie
2016 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 1-8, 2016
L6dnet: Light 6 DoF network for robust and precise object pose estimation with small datasets
M Gonzalez, A Kacete, A Murienne, E Marchand
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 6 (2), 2914-2921, 2021
TwistSLAM++: Fusing multiple modalities for accurate dynamic semantic SLAM
M Gonzalez, E Marchand, A Kacete, J Royan
2023 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2023
S3LAM: Structured Scene SLAM
M Gonzalez, E Marchand, A Kacete, J Royan
2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2022
Method for estimating the pose of a camera in the frame of reference of a three-dimensional scene, device, augmented reality system and computer program therefor
ND Duong, A Kacete, C Soladie
US Patent 11,443,454, 2022
Yoloff: You only learn offsets for robust 6DOF object pose estimation
M Gonzalez, A Kacete, A Murienne, E Marchand
arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.00911, 2020
Accurate sparse feature regression forest learning for real-time camera relocalization
ND Duong, A Kacete, C Soladie, PY Richard, J Royan
2018 International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV), 643-652, 2018
Unconstrained gaze estimation using random forest regression voting
A Kacete, R Séguier, M Collobert, J Royan
Asian conference on computer vision, 419-432, 2016
xyzNet: towards machine learning camera relocalization by using a scene coordinate prediction network
ND Duong, A Kacete, C Sodalie, PY Richard, J Royan
2018 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality Adjunct …, 2018
HeROfake: Heterogeneous resources orchestration in a serverless cloud–An application to deepfake detection
V Lannurien, L d'Orazio, O Barais, E Bernard, O Weppe, L Beaulieu, ...
2023 IEEE/ACM 23rd International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet …, 2023
Efficient multi-output scene coordinate prediction for fast and accurate camera relocalization from a single RGB image
ND Duong, C Soladie, A Kacete, PY Richard, J Royan
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 190, 102850, 2020
Decision Forest For Efficient and Robust Camera Relocalization
A Kacete, T Wentz, J Royan
2017 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR …, 2017
Head pose free 3D gaze estimation using RGB-D camera
A Kacete, R Séguier, M Collobert, J Royan
Eighth International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing (ICGIP 2016 …, 2017
Efficient multi-stream temporal learning and post-fusion strategy for 3D skeleton-based hand activity recognition
YM Boutaleb, C Soladie, ND Duong, A Kacete, J Royan, R Seguier
International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP …, 2021
LatentForensics: Towards frugal deepfake detection in the StyleGAN latent space
M Delmas, A Kacete, S Paquelet, S Leglaive, R Seguier
arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.17222, 2023
S3LAM: SLAM à scène structurée
M Gonzalez, E Marchand, A Kacete, J Royan
GRETSI 2022-XXVIIIème Colloque Francophone de Traitement du Signal et des …, 2022
Metric learning-based unsupervised domain adaptation for 3d skeleton hand activities categorization
Y Boutaleb, C Soladié, N Duong, A Kacete, J Royan, R Seguier
International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, 62-74, 2022
Method and device for determining a map of a three-dimensional environment and associated mapping system
M Gonzalez, E Marchand, A Kacete, J Royan
US Patent App. 18/573,226, 2024
Mes-loss: Mutually equidistant separation metric learning loss function
Y Boutaleb, C Soladie, ND Duong, A Kacete, J Royan, R Seguier
Pattern Recognition Letters 172, 58-64, 2023
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