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Alıntı yapanlar
Microcavity top-emission perovskite light-emitting diodes
Y Miao, L Cheng, W Zou, L Gu, J Zhang, Q Guo, Q Peng, M Xu, Y He, ...
Light: Science & Applications 9 (1), 89, 2020
Highly reliable and transparent Al doped Ag cathode fabricated using thermal evaporation for transparent OLED applications
MG Song, KS Kim, HI Yang, SK Kim, JH Kim, CW Han, HC Choi, R Pode, ...
Organic Electronics 76, 105418, 2020
Synthesis of sol–gel derived nano-crystalline ZnO thin films as TCO window layer: effect of sol aging and boron
SF Varol, G Babür, G Çankaya, U Kölemen
RSC Advances 4 (100), 56645-56653, 2014
Top‐emission organic light‐emitting diode with a novel copper/graphene composite anode
H Meng, J Luo, W Wang, Z Shi, Q Niu, L Dai, G Qin
Advanced Functional Materials 23 (26), 3324-3328, 2013
A brief review of nanoparticles-doped PEDOT: PSS nanocomposite for OLED and OPV
GL Ong, TS Ong, SL Yap, DJ Liaw, TY Tou, SS Yap, CH Nee
Nanotechnology Reviews 11 (1), 1870-1889, 2022
Optical performance of efficient blue/near UV nitropyridine-conjugated anthracene (NAMA) based light emitting diode
SF Varol, S Sayin, S Eymur, Z Merdan, D Ünal
Organic Electronics 31, 25-30, 2016
The influence of annealing temperature and tellurium (Te) on electrical and dielectrical properties of Al/p-CIGSeTe/Mo Schottky diodes
S Fiat, İ Polat, E Bacaksiz, M Kompitsas, G Çankaya
Current Applied Physics 13 (6), 1112-1118, 2013
Comparative Studies of Undoped/Al-Doped/In-Doped ZnO Transparent Conducting Oxide Thin Films in Optoelectronic Applications
P Koralli, S Fiat Varol, G Mousdis, DE Mouzakis, Z Merdan, M Kompitsas
Chemosensors 10 (5), 162, 2022
The influence of stoichiometry and annealing temperature on the properties of CuIn0. 7Ga0. 3Se2 and CuIn0. 7Ga0. 3Te2 thin films
S Fiat, P Koralli, E Bacaksiz, KP Giannakopoulos, M Kompitsas, ...
Thin Solid Films 545, 64-70, 2013
Electrical characterization of a pre-ceramic polymer modified Ag/poly(hydridocarbyne)/p-Si Schottky barrier diode
N Başman, O Uzun, S Fiat, C Alkan, G Çankaya
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 23, 2282-2288, 2012
Carbonyl Fused Organoboron Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon for Bathochromic‐Shifted Narrowband OLED
Z Yang, GX Yang, S Jiang, M Li, W Qiu, X Peng, C Shen, Y Gan, K Liu, ...
Advanced Optical Materials 12 (9), 2301711, 2024
The impact of different ZnO growth methods on the electrical and optical properties of a n-ZnO/p-GaN: Mg/c-plane sapphire UV LED
SF Varol, D Şahin, M Kompitsas, G Çankaya
Rsc Advances 4 (26), 13593-13600, 2014
Temperature and tellurium (Te) dependence of electrical characterization and surface properties for a chalcopyrite structured schottky barrier diode
S Fiat, E Bacaksiz, M Kompitsas, G Çankaya
Journal of alloys and compounds 585, 178-184, 2014
High Temperature Characterization of a MIS Schottky Diode Based on Diamond-Like Carbon Nanocomposite Film
N Basman, SF Varol
Journal of Electronic Materials 48 (12), 7874–7881, 2019
Evaluation of the hydrostatic pressure effect on Mn/p-Si Schottky barrier diode electrical parameters and interface states
S Fiat, G Çankaya
Materials science in semiconductor processing 15 (5), 461-466, 2012
Current-conduction mechanisms in Au/n-CdTe Schottky solar cells in the wide temperature range
S Fiat, Z Merdan, T Memmedli
Physica B: Condensed Matter 407 (13), 2560-2565, 2012
Optical and Structural Properties of Nanostructured CuIn0. 7Ga0. 3 (Se (1− x) Te x) 2 Chalcopyrite Thin Films—Effect of Stoichiometry and Annealing
S Fiat, I Polat, E Bacaksiz, G Çankaya, P Koralli, DE Manolakos, ...
Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology 14 (7), 5002-5010, 2014
Electrical characterization of two analogous Schottky contacts produced from N-substituted 1, 8-naphthalimide
E Karagöz, SF Varol, S Sayın, Z Merdan
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20 (48), 30502-30513, 2018
Synthesis of isoniazid substituted pyrene (PINHy), and investigation of its optical and electrochemical features as tunable/flexible OLEDs
S Sayın, SF Varol, Z Merdan, S Eymur
journal of materials science:materials in electronics 28 (17), 13094–13100, 2017
A novel nanostructured CuIn0. 7Ga0. 3 (Se0. 4Te0. 6) 2/SLG multinary compounds thin films: For photovoltaic applications
SF Varol, E Bacaksiz, P Koralli, M Kompitsas, G Çankaya
Materials Letters 142, 273-276, 2015
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