Takip et
Yongmei Liu (刘咏梅)
Yongmei Liu (刘咏梅)
Professor, Vice Dean of Business School, Central South University (中南大学)
csu.edu.cn üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Multi-criteria decision making method based on possibility degree of interval type-2 fuzzy number
J Hu, Y Zhang, X Chen, Y Liu
Knowledge-Based Systems 43, 21-29, 2013
Immobilization of antibodies and bacterial binding on nanodiamond and carbon nanotubes for biosensor applications
TS Huang, Y Tzeng, YK Liu, YC Chen, KR Walker, R Guntupalli, C Liu
Diamond and related materials 13 (4-8), 1098-1102, 2004
Online selection of a physician by patients: Empirical study from elaboration likelihood perspective
X Cao, Y Liu, Z Zhu, J Hu, X Chen
Computers in Human Behavior 73, 403-412, 2017
IT capability as moderator between IT investment and firm performance
Y Liu, H Lu, J Hu
Tsinghua Science and Technology 13 (3), 329-336, 2008
New doctors ranking system based on VIKOR method
J Hu, X Zhang, Y Yang, Y Liu, X Chen
International Transactions in Operational Research 27 (2), 1236-1261, 2020
Tractable reasoning with incomplete first-order knowledge in dynamic systems with context-dependent actions
Y Liu, HJ Levesque
IJCAI 5, 522-527, 2005
Interval type-2 hesitant fuzzy set and its application in multi-criteria decision making
J Hu, K Xiao, X Chen, Y Liu
Computers & Industrial Engineering 87, 91-103, 2015
Hesitant fuzzy information measures and their applications in multi-criteria decision making
J Hu, X Zhang, X Chen, Y Liu
International Journal of Systems Science 47 (1), 62-76, 2016
Influence of online product presentation on consumers’ trust in organic food: A mediated moderation model
L Yue, Y Liu, X Wei
British Food Journal 119 (12), 2724-2739, 2017
A general multi-agent epistemic planner based on higher-order belief change
H Wan, B Fang, Y Liu
Artificial Intelligence 301, 103562, 2021
Moderating factors influencing adoption of a mobile chronic disease management system in China
Z Zhu, Y Liu, X Che, X Chen
Informatics for Health and Social Care 43 (1), 22-41, 2018
On first-order definability and computability of progression for local-effect actions and beyond
Y Liu, G Lakemeyer
Schloss Dagstuhl–Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, 2010
Effects of hydrogen additive on microwave plasma CVD of nanocrystalline diamond in mixtures of argon and methane
Y Liu, C Liu, Y Chen, Y Tzeng, P Tso, I Lin
Diamond and related materials 13 (4-8), 671-678, 2004
Alternative selection of end-of-life vehicle management in China: A group decision-making approach based on picture hesitant fuzzy measurements
Y Yang, J Hu, Y Liu, X Chen
Journal of cleaner production 206, 631-645, 2019
The effect of workers’ justice perception on continuance participation intention in the crowdsourcing market
Y Liu, Y Liu
Internet Research 29 (6), 1485-1508, 2019
Growth of microcrystalline and nanocrystalline diamond films by microwave plasmas in a gas mixture of 1% methane/5% hydrogen/94% argon
YK Liu, Y Tzeng, C Liu, P Tso, IN Lin
Diamond and related materials 13 (10), 1859-1864, 2004
Multi-Agent Epistemic Explanatory Diagnosis via Reasoning about Actions.
Q Yu, X Wen, Y Liu
IJCAI, 1183-1190, 2013
How do power and status differ in predicting unethical decisions? A cross-national comparison of China and Canada
Y Liu, S Chen, C Bell, J Tan
Journal of Business Ethics 167, 745-760, 2020
Doctor recommendation based on an intuitionistic normal cloud model considering patient preferences
Y Yang, J Hu, Y Liu, X Chen
Cognitive computation 12, 460-478, 2020
A Logic of Limited Belief for Reasoning with Disjunctive Information.
Y Liu, G Lakemeyer, HJ Levesque
KR, 587-597, 2004
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