Co-seismic reverse-and oblique-slip surface faulting generated by the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake, China X Xiwei, W Xueze, Y Guihua, C Guihua, Y Klinger AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 1, 05, 2008 | 1106* | 2008 |
Coseismic reverse-and oblique-slip surface faulting generated by the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake, China X Xu, X Wen, G Yu, G Chen, Y Klinger, J Hubbard, J Shaw Geology 37 (6), 515-518, 2009 | 1104 | 2009 |
汶川 Ms8. 0 地震地表破裂带及其发震构造 徐锡伟, 闻学泽, 叶建青 地震地质 30 (3), 597-629, 2008 | 658 | 2008 |
The Ms 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake surface ruptures and its seismogenic structure XW Xu, X Wen, JQ Ye, BQ Ma, J Chen, R Zhou, HL He, Q Tian, Y He, ... Seismology and geology 30 (3), 597-629, 2008 | 533 | 2008 |
Lushan M S7. 0 earthquake: a blind reserve-fault event XW Xu, XZ Wen, ZJ Han, GH Chen, CY Li, WJ Zheng, SM Zhnag, ZQ Ren, ... Chinese Science Bulletin 58 (28-29), 3437-3443, 2013 | 305 | 2013 |
Late Quaternary sinistral slip rate along the Altyn Tagh fault and its structural transformation model X Xu, F Wang, R Zheng, W Chen, W Ma, G Yu, G Chen, P Tapponnier, ... Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences 48 (3), 384-397, 2005 | 188 | 2005 |
Paleoseismic evidence and repeat time of large earthquakes at three sites along the Longmenshan fault zone Y Ran, L Chen, J Chen, H Wang, G Chen, J Yin, X Shi, C Li, X Xu Tectonophysics 491 (1), 141-153, 2010 | 174 | 2010 |
Millennial recurrence of large earthquakes on the Haiyuan fault near Songshan, Gansu Province, China J Liu-Zeng, Y Klinger, X Xu, C Lasserre, G Chen, W Chen, P Tapponnier, ... Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 97 (1B), 14-34, 2007 | 167 | 2007 |
川西及其邻近地区活动构造基本特征与强震复发模型 徐锡伟, 张培震, 闻学泽, 秦尊丽, 陈桂华, 朱艾斓 地震地质 27 (3), 446-461, 2005 | 167 | 2005 |
川西地区小震重新定位及其活动构造意义 朱艾斓, 徐锡伟, 周永胜, 尹京苑, 甘卫军, 陈桂华 地球物理學報 48 (3), 629-636, 2005 | 143 | 2005 |
四川芦山 7.0 级强震: 一次典型的盲逆断层型地震 徐锡伟, 闻学泽, 韩竹军, 陈桂华, 李传友, 郑文俊, 张世民, 任治坤, 许冲, ... 科学通报 58 (20), 1887-1893, 2013 | 138 | 2013 |
Recent tectonic activity of Bayankala fault-block and the Kunlun-Wenchuan earthquake series of the Tibetan Plateau D Qidong, G Xiang, C Guihua Earth Science Frontiers 17 (5), 163-178, 2010 | 135 | 2010 |
巴颜喀拉地块东部龙日坝断裂带的发现及其大地构造意义 徐锡伟, 闻学泽, 陈桂华, 于贵华 中国科学: D 辑 38 (5), 529-542, 2008 | 132 | 2008 |
Rupture segmentation and slip partitioning of the mid-eastern part of the Kunlun Fault, north Tibetan Plateau CX Li, XW Xu, XZ Wen, RZ Zheng, GH Chen, H Yang, YF An, X Gao Science China Earth Sciences 54 (11), 1730-1745, 2011 | 128 | 2011 |
青藏高原昆仑一汶川地震系列与巴颜喀喇断块的最新活动 邓起东, 高翔, 陈桂华, 杨虎 地学前缘 (中国地质大学 (JL 京) 17 (5), 2010 | 124 | 2010 |
Fault-scarp features and cascading-rupture model for the Mw 7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake, Eastern Tibetan Plateau, China G Yu, X Xu, Y Klinger, G Diao, G Chen, X Feng, C Li, A Zhu, R Yuan, ... Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 100 (5B), 2590-2614, 2010 | 120 | 2010 |
芦山地震发震构造及其与汶川地震关系讨论 [J] 徐锡伟, 陈桂华, 于贵华, 程佳, 谭锡斌, 朱艾斓, 闻学泽 地学前缘 20 (3), 11-20, 2013 | 113 | 2013 |
Relocation of Small EarthquakesiIn Western Sichuan, China and Its Implications for Active Tectonics AL ZHU, XW XU, YS ZHOU, JY YIN, WJ GAN, GH CHEN Chinese Journal of Geophysics 48 (3), 692-700, 2005 | 108 | 2005 |
阿尔金断裂带晚第四纪左旋走滑速率及其构造运动转换模式讨论 徐锡伟, 王峰, 郑荣章, 陈文彬, 马文涛, 于贵华, 陈桂华 中国科学: D 辑 33 (10), 967-974, 2003 | 99 | 2003 |
活断层地震地表破裂 “避让带” 宽度确定的依据与方法 徐锡伟, 于贵华, 马文涛, 冉永康, 陈桂华, 韩竹军, 张兰凤, 尤惠川 地震地质 24 (4), 470-483, 2002 | 96 | 2002 |