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Hiçbir yerde sunulmuyor: 3
Local temporal pattern and data augmentation for micro-expression spotting
J Li, C Soladie, R Seguier
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 2020
Zorunlu olanlar: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
OCAE: Organization-controlled autoencoder for unsupervised speech emotion analysis
S Wang, C Soladié, R Séguier
2019 5th International conference on frontiers of signal processing (ICFSP …, 2019
Zorunlu olanlar: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Learning an Unsupervised and Interpretable Representation of Emotion from Speech
S Wang, C Soladié, R Séguier
International Conference on Speech and Computer, 636-645, 2020
Zorunlu olanlar: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Bir yerde sunuluyor: 11
Spotting micro-expressions on long videos sequences
J Li, C Soladie, R Séguier, SJ Wang, MH Yap
2019 14th IEEE International conference on automatic face & gesture …, 2019
Zorunlu olanlar: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Realistic transformation of facial and vocal smiles in real-time audiovisual streams
P Arias, C Soladie, O Bouafif, A Roebel, R Seguier, JJ Aucouturier
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 11 (3), 507-518, 2018
Zorunlu olanlar: European Commission
Learning and controlling the source-filter representation of speech with a variational autoencoder
S Sadok, S Leglaive, L Girin, X Alameda-Pineda, R Séguier
Speech Communication 148, 53-65, 2023
Zorunlu olanlar: European Commission, Agence Nationale de la Recherche
A multimodal dynamical variational autoencoder for audiovisual speech representation learning
S Sadok, S Leglaive, L Girin, X Alameda-Pineda, R Séguier
Neural Networks 172, 106120, 2024
Zorunlu olanlar: European Commission, Agence Nationale de la Recherche
A survey on databases of facial macro-expression and micro-expression
R Weber, J Li, C Soladié, R Séguier
Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications: 13th …, 2019
Zorunlu olanlar: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
A Survey on Databases for Facial Micro-Expression Analysis.
J Li, C Soladie, R Seguier
VISIGRAPP (5: VISAPP), 241-248, 2019
Zorunlu olanlar: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Combining GAN with reverse correlation to construct personalized facial expressions
S Yan, C Soladié, JJ Aucouturier, R Seguier
Plos one 18 (8), e0290612, 2023
Zorunlu olanlar: European Commission, Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Efficient multi-stream temporal learning and post-fusion strategy for 3D skeleton-based hand activity recognition
YM Boutaleb, C Soladie, ND Duong, A Kacete, J Royan, R Seguier
International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP …, 2021
Zorunlu olanlar: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
SwimXYZ: A large-scale dataset of synthetic swimming motions and videos
G Fiche, V Sevestre, C Gonzalez-Barral, S Leglaive, R Séguier
Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Motion, Interaction and …, 2023
Zorunlu olanlar: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Exploring mental prototypes by an efficient interdisciplinary approach: Interactive microbial genetic algorithm
S Yan, C Soladie, R Seguier
2023 IEEE 17th International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture …, 2023
Zorunlu olanlar: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Motion-DVAE: Unsupervised learning for fast human motion denoising
G Fiche, S Leglaive, X Alameda-Pineda, R Séguier
Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Motion, Interaction and …, 2023
Zorunlu olanlar: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
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