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Artemi Cerdà
Artemi Cerdà
Departament of Geography, University of Valencia
uv.es üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Forum paper: The significance of soils and soil science towards realization of the UN sustainable development goals (SDGS)
SD Keesstra, J Bouma, J Wallinga, P Tittonell, P Smith, A Cerdà, ...
Soil Discussions 2016, 1-28, 2016
The superior effect of nature based solutions in land management for enhancing ecosystem services
S Keesstra, J Nunes, A Novara, D Finger, D Avelar, Z Kalantari, A Cerdà
Science of the Total Environment 610, 997-1009, 2018
Fire effects on soil aggregation: A review
J Mataix-Solera, A Cerdà, V Arcenegui, A Jordán, LM Zavala
Earth-Science Reviews 109 (1-2), 44-60, 2011
Wildland fire ash: Production, composition and eco-hydro-geomorphic effects
MB Bodí, DA Martin, VN Balfour, C Santín, SH Doerr, P Pereira, A Cerdà, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 130, 103-127, 2014
The interdisciplinary nature of SOIL
EC Brevik, A Cerdà, J Mataix-Solera, L Pereg, JN Quinton, J Six, ...
Soil 1 (1), 117-129, 2015
Soil erosion modelling: A global review and statistical analysis
P Borrelli, C Alewell, P Alvarez, JAA Anache, J Baartman, C Ballabio, ...
Science of the total environment 780, 146494, 2021
Effects of soil management techniques on soil water erosion in apricot orchards
S Keesstra, P Pereira, A Novara, EC Brevik, C Azorin-Molina, ...
Science of the Total Environment 551, 357-366, 2016
Pollution assessment of heavy metals in soils of India and ecological risk assessment: A state-of-the-art
V Kumar, A Sharma, P Kaur, GPS Sidhu, AS Bali, R Bhardwaj, AK Thukral, ...
Chemosphere 216, 449-462, 2019
The effect of ash and needle cover on surface runoff and erosion in the immediate post-fire period
A Cerdà, SH Doerr
Catena 74 (3), 256-263, 2008
The immediate effectiveness of barley straw mulch in reducing soil erodibility and surface runoff generation in Mediterranean vineyards
M Prosdocimi, A Jordán, P Tarolli, S Keesstra, A Novara, A Cerdà
Science of the Total Environment 547, 323-330, 2016
Effects of rock fragment cover on soil infiltration, interrill runoff and erosion
A Cerdà
European Journal of Soil Science 52 (1), 59-68, 2001
The effect of patchy distribution ofStipa tenacissimaL. on runoff and erosion
A Cerdà
Journal of arid environments 36 (1), 37-51, 1997
Soil water erosion on Mediterranean vineyards: A review
M Prosdocimi, A Cerdà, P Tarolli
Catena 141, 1-21, 2016
Mulching practices for reducing soil water erosion: A review
M Prosdocimi, P Tarolli, A Cerdà
Earth-Science Reviews 161, 191-203, 2016
The effect of soil on human health: an overview
JJ Steffan, EC Brevik, LC Burgess, A Cerdà
European journal of soil science 69 (1), 159-171, 2018
Soil erosion assessment on tillage and alternative soil managements in a Sicilian vineyard
A Novara, L Gristina, SS Saladino, A Santoro, A Cerdà
Soil and Tillage Research 117, 140-147, 2011
Influence of vegetation recovery on soil hydrology and erodibility following fire: an 11-year investigation
A Cerdà, SH Doerr
International Journal of Wildland Fire 14 (4), 423-437, 2005
Evaluation of deep learning algorithms for national scale landslide susceptibility mapping of Iran
PTT Ngo, M Panahi, K Khosravi, O Ghorbanzadeh, N Kariminejad, ...
Geoscience Frontiers 12 (2), 505-519, 2021
Performance assessment of individual and ensemble data-mining techniques for gully erosion modeling
HR Pourghasemi, S Yousefi, A Kornejady, A Cerdà
Science of the Total Environment 609, 764-775, 2017
Soil aggregate stability under different Mediterranean vegetation types
A Cerdà
Catena 32 (2), 73-86, 1998
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