Takip et
Jae-chul Lee
Jae-chul Lee
고려대학교 공과대학 신소재공학부 교수
korea.ac.kr üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Crystallization-induced plasticity of Cu–Zr containing bulk amorphous alloys
SW Lee, MY Huh, E Fleury, JC Lee
Acta Materialia 54 (2), 349-355, 2006
Microstructural evolutions of the Al strip prepared by cold rolling and continuous equal channel angular pressing
JC Lee, HK Seok, JY Suh
Acta Materialia 50 (16), 4005-4019, 2002
Elastostatically induced structural disordering in amorphous alloys
KW Park, CM Lee, M Wakeda, Y Shibutani, ML Falk, JC Lee
Acta Materialia 56 (19), 5440-5450, 2008
Networked interpenetrating connections of icosahedra: Effects on shear transformations in metallic glass
M Lee, CM Lee, KR Lee, E Ma, JC Lee
Acta Materialia 59 (1), 159-170, 2011
Effect of the number of ECAP pass time on the electrochemical properties of 1050 Al alloys
MK Chung, YS Choi, JG Kim, YM Kim, JC Lee
Materials Science and Engineering: A 366 (2), 282-291, 2004
Prediction of Si contents to suppress the formation of Al4C3 in the SiCp/Al composite
JC Lee, JY Byun, SB Park, HI Lee
Acta materialia 46 (5), 1771-1780, 1998
Atomic packing density and its influence on the properties of Cu–Zr amorphous alloys
KW Park, J Jang, M Wakeda, Y Shibutani, JC Lee
Scripta Materialia 57 (9), 805-808, 2007
Controlling the textures of the metal strips via the continuous confined strip shearing (C2S2) process
JC Lee, HK Seok, JH Han, YH Chung
Materials Research Bulletin 36 (5-6), 997-1004, 2001
Role of Mg in simultaneously improving the strength and ductility of Al–Mg alloys
BH Lee, SH Kim, JH Park, HW Kim, JC Lee
materials Science and engineering: A 657, 115-122, 2016
Enhanced plasticity in a bulk amorphous matrix composite: macroscopic and microscopic viewpoint studies
JC Lee, YC Kim, JP Ahn, HS Kim
Acta materialia 53 (1), 129-139, 2005
The interfacial characterization of oxidized SiC (p)/2014 Al composites
Z Shi, JM Yang, JC Lee, D Zhang, HI Lee, R Wu
Materials Science and Engineering: A 303 (1-2), 46-53, 2001
Control of the interface in SiC/Al composites
JC Lee, JP Ahn, JH Shim, Z Shi, HI Lee
Scripta Materialia 41 (8), 895-900, 1999
Origin of the plasticity in bulk amorphous alloys
JC Lee, KW Park, KH Kim, E Fleury, BJ Lee, M Wakeda, Y Shibutani
Journal of Materials Research 22 (11), 3087-3097, 2007
Deformation-induced nanocrystallization and its influence on work hardening in a bulk amorphous matrix composite
JC Lee, YC Kim, JP Ahn, HS Kim, SH Lee, BJ Lee
Acta materialia 52 (6), 1525-1533, 2004
Texture evolution of the strip cast 1050 Al alloy processed by continuous confined strip shearing and its formability evaluation
JH Han, HK Seok, YH Chung, MC Shin, JC Lee
Materials Science and Engineering: A 323 (1-2), 342-347, 2002
Effect of various processing methods on the interfacial reactions in SiCp/2024 Al composites
JC Lee, JY Byun, CS Oh, HK Seok, HI Lee
Acta materialia 45 (12), 5303-5315, 1997
Enhanced glass forming ability and mechanical properties of new Cu-based bulk metallic glasses
YC Kim, JC Lee, PR Cha, JP Ahn, E Fleury
Materials Science and Engineering: A 437 (2), 248-253, 2006
Enhancement of the glass forming ability of Cu− Zr− Al alloys by Ag addition
DS Sung, OJ Kwon, E Fleury, KB Kim, JC Lee, DH Kim, YC Kim
Metals and materials International 10, 575-579, 2004
Microstructural evolution of an elastostatically compressed amorphous alloy and its influence on the mechanical properties
SC Lee, CM Lee, JW Yang, JC Lee
Scripta Materialia 58 (7), 591-594, 2008
Modification effect of Sr on the microstructures and mechanical properties of Al–10.5 Si–2.0 Cu recycled alloy for die casting
SS Shin, ES Kim, GY Yeom, JC Lee
Materials Science and Engineering: A 532, 151-157, 2012
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