Systemic banking crises database L Laeven, F Valencia IMF Economic Review 61 (2), 225-270, 2013 | 6228* | 2013 |
Systemic Banking Crises Database II L Laeven, F Valencia IMF Economic Review 68, 307–361, 2020 | 1393* | 2020 |
Resolution of banking crises: The good, the bad, and the ugly ML Laeven, MF Valencia International Monetary Fund, 2010 | 1200 | 2010 |
Monetary policy and bank risk taking G De Nicolò, G Dell'Ariccia, L Laeven, F Valencia Available at SSRN 1654582, 2010 | 361 | 2010 |
The real effects of financial sector interventions during crises L Laeven, F Valencia Journal of money, credit and Banking 45 (1), 147-177, 2013 | 305 | 2013 |
The use of blanket guarantees in banking crises L Laeven, F Valencia Journal of International Money and Finance, 2012 | 217* | 2012 |
Financial crises: Causes, consequences, and policy responses MS Claessens, MA Kose, ML Laeven, MF Valencia International Monetary Fund, 2014 | 193 | 2014 |
Central Bank Independence and Macro-prudential Regulation F Valencia, K Ueda IMF Working Papers, 2012 | 174* | 2012 |
Systemic Banking Crises: A New Database (IMF Working Paper. 08224) L Laeven, F Valencia International Monetary Fund. https://doi. org/10.5089/9781451870824.001, 2008 | 169* | 2008 |
Aggregate uncertainty and the supply of credit F Valencia Journal of Banking & Finance 81, 150-165, 2017 | 167 | 2017 |
Monetary policy, bank leverage, and financial stability F Valencia Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 47, 20-38, 2014 | 157 | 2014 |
Monetary policy in the new normal MT Bayoumi, MG Dell'Ariccia, MKF Habermeier, MTM Griffoli, ... International Monetary Fund, 2014 | 136 | 2014 |
Monetary policy credibility and exchange rate pass-through MY Carriere-Swallow, B Gruss, MNE Magud, MF Valencia International Monetary Fund, 2016 | 116 | 2016 |
Crisis Management and Resolution: Early Lessons from the Financial Crisis S Claessens, C Pazarbasioglu, L Laeven, M Dobler, F Valencia, ... IMF Staff Discussion Note, SDN/11/05 (International Monetary Fund, March 9), 2011 | 111 | 2011 |
Effects of macroprudential policy: Evidence from over 6,000 estimates JD Araujo, M Patnam, MA Popescu, MF Valencia, W Yao International Monetary Fund, 2020 | 108 | 2020 |
Systemic banking crises: a new database L Leaven, F Valencia IMF working papers, 2008 | 100 | 2008 |
Made in Mexico: Energy reform and manufacturing growth J Alvarez, F Valencia Energy Economics 55, 253-265, 2016 | 73 | 2016 |
Bank capital and uncertainty F Valencia Journal of Banking & Finance 69, S1-S9, 2016 | 69 | 2016 |
Systemic banking crises L Laeven, F Valencia Financial Crises: Causes, Consequences, and Policy Responses, 61-137, 2014 | 62 | 2014 |
Understanding financial crises: causes, consequences, and policy responses S Claessens, MA Kose, L Laeven, F Valencia CAMA Working Paper 05/2013, 2013 | 51 | 2013 |