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Juan  Carlos Ortiz
Juan Carlos Ortiz
Principal Research Scientist Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville Australia,
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Climate change disables coral bleaching protection on the Great Barrier Reef
TD Ainsworth, SF Heron, JC Ortiz, PJ Mumby, A Grech, D Ogawa, ...
Science 352 (6283), 338-342, 2016
Climate change impedes scleractinian corals as primary reef ecosystem engineers
C Wild, O Hoegh-Guldberg, MS Naumann, MF Colombo-Pallotta, ...
Marine and Freshwater research 62 (2), 205-215, 2011
Connectivity and systemic resilience of the Great Barrier Reef
K Hock, NH Wolff, JC Ortiz, SA Condie, KRN Anthony, PG Blackwell, ...
PLoS biology 15 (11), e2003355, 2017
Response of holosymbiont pigments from the scleractinian coral Montipora monasteriata to short‐term heat stress
S Dove, JC Ortiz, S Enríquez, M Fine, P Fisher, R Iglesias-Prieto, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 51 (2), 1149-1158, 2006
Impaired recovery of the Great Barrier Reef under cumulative stress
JC Ortiz, NH Wolff, KRN Anthony, M Devlin, S Lewis, PJ Mumby
Science advances 4 (7), eaar6127, 2018
Anticipative management for coral reef ecosystem services in the 21st century
A Rogers, AR Harborne, CJ Brown, YM Bozec, C Castro, I Chollett, ...
Global Change Biology, 2014
Coral reef habitat mapping: A combination of object-based image analysis and ecological modelling
C Roelfsema, E Kovacs, JC Ortiz, NH Wolff, D Callaghan, M Wettle, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 208, 27-41, 2018
Interpreting coral reef monitoring data: A guide for improved management decisions
J Flower, JC Ortiz, I Chollett, S Abdullah, C Castro-Sanguino, K Hock, ...
Ecological indicators 72, 848-869, 2017
Interaction of herbivory and seasonality on the dynamics of Caribbean macroalgae
R Ferrari, M Gonzalez-Rivero, JC Ortiz, PJ Mumby
Coral Reefs 31, 683-692, 2012
Acquisition of symbiotic dinoflagellates (Symbiodinium) by juveniles of the coral Acropora longicyathus
M del C. Gómez-Cabrera, JC Ortiz, WKW Loh, S Ward, ...
Coral Reefs 27, 219-226, 2008
Is sponge bioerosion increasing
CHL Schönberg, JC Ortiz
Proceedings of the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium 8, 7-11, 2008
Global disparity in the ecological benefits of reducing carbon emissions for coral reefs
JC Ortiz, YM Bozec, NH Wolff, C Doropoulos, PJ Mumby
Nature Clim. Change 4 (12), 1090-1094, 2014
Can a thermally tolerant symbiont improve the future of C aribbean coral reefs?
JC Ortiz, M González‐Rivero, PJ Mumby
Global change biology 19 (1), 273-281, 2013
Setting the record straight: assessing the reliability of retrospective accounts of change
RH Thurstan, SM Buckley, JC Ortiz, JM Pandolfi
Conservation Letters 9 (2), 98-105, 2016
The ecology of ‘Acroporid white syndrome', a coral disease from the southern Great Barrier Reef
G Roff, ECE Kvennefors, M Fine, J Ortiz, JE Davy, O Hoegh-Guldberg
PLoS One 6 (12), e26829, 2011
The future of coral reefs
O Hoegh-Guldberg, JC Ortiz, S Dove
Science 334 (6062), 1494-1495, 2011
Priority species to support the functional integrity of coral reefs
K Wolfe, K Anthony, RC Babcock, L Bay, DG Bourne, D Burrows, M Byrne, ...
Oceanography and marine biology, 2020
A citizen science approach: a detailed ecological assessment of subtropical reefs at Point Lookout, Australia
C Roelfsema, R Thurstan, M Beger, C Dudgeon, J Loder, E Kovacs, ...
PLoS One 11 (10), e0163407, 2016
Habitat maps to enhance monitoring and management of the Great Barrier Reef
CM Roelfsema, EM Kovacs, JC Ortiz, DP Callaghan, K Hock, M Mongin, ...
Coral Reefs 39, 1039-1054, 2020
Age accuracy and resolution of Quaternary corals used as proxies for sea level
EN Edinger, GS Burr, JM Pandolfi, JC Ortiz
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 253 (1-2), 37-49, 2007
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