Language and minority rights: Ethnicity, nationalism and the politics of language S May Routledge, 2013 | 2457 | 2013 |
The multilingual turn: Implications for SLA, TESOL, and bilingual education S May Routledge, 2013 | 1666 | 2013 |
Critical multiculturalism: Rethinking multicultural and antiracist education S May Routledge, 1999 | 689 | 1999 |
Critical multiculturalism: Theory and praxis S May, CE Sleeter Routledge, 2010 | 685 | 2010 |
Language rights: Moving the debate forward S May Journal of sociolinguistics 9 (3), 319-347, 2005 | 451 | 2005 |
Implementing English-medium instruction (EMI) in China: Teachers’ practices and perceptions, and students’ learning motivation and needs L Jiang, LJ Zhang, S May International journal of bilingual education and bilingualism 22 (2), 107-119, 2019 | 443 | 2019 |
Critical multiculturalism and cultural difference: Avoiding essentialism S May Critical multiculturalism, 20-53, 2005 | 395 | 2005 |
Multiculturalism S May A companion to racial and ethnic studies, 124-144, 2008 | 374 | 2008 |
Disciplinary divides, knowledge construction, and the multilingual turn S May The multilingual turn, 7-31, 2013 | 360 | 2013 |
Making multicultural education work S May, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Multilingual Matters Ltd Multilingual Matters, 1994 | 354 | 1994 |
Language policy and minority rights S May An introduction to language policy: Theory and method 1, 255-272, 2006 | 306 | 2006 |
Bilingual/immersion education: Indicators of good practice S May, R Hill, S Tiakiwai Final Report to the Ministry of Education, New, 2004 | 267 | 2004 |
Indigenous education: Addressing current issues and developments S May, S Aikman Comparative education 39 (2), 139-145, 2003 | 250 | 2003 |
Ethnicity, nationalism and minority rights: charting the disciplinary debates S May, T Modood, J Squires S. May, T., Modood & J. Squires (Eds.), Ethnicity, nationalism and minority …, 2004 | 244* | 2004 |
Uncommon languages: The challenges and possibilities of minority language rights S May Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural development 21 (5), 366-385, 2000 | 229 | 2000 |
Bilingual/immersion education: What the research tells us S May Encyclopedia of language and education 5, 19-34, 2008 | 225 | 2008 |
Indigenous community-based education S May Multilingual Matters 11 (3), 1999 | 225 | 1999 |
Code and habitus: Comparing the accounts of Bernstein and Bourdieu R Harker, SA May British journal of sociology of education 14 (2), 169-178, 1993 | 220 | 1993 |
Māori-medium education: Current issues and challenges S May, R Hill International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 8 (5), 377-403, 2005 | 218 | 2005 |
Rearticulating the case for minority language rights S May Taylor & Francis Group 4 (2), 95-125, 2003 | 217 | 2003 |