Takip et
Olivier Bégin-Caouette
Olivier Bégin-Caouette
Associate professor in comparative higher education, Université de Montréal
mail.utoronto.ca üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Student organizations in Canada and Quebec's ‘maple spring’
O Bégin-Caouette, GA Jones
Studies in Higher Education 39 (3), 412-425, 2014
Provincial oversight and university autonomy in Canada: Findings of a comparative study of Canadian university governance
JA Eastman, GA Jones, O Bégin-Caouette, SX Li, C Noumi, C Trottier
Canadian Journal of Higher Education 48 (3), 65-81, 2018
The internationalization of in-service teacher training in Québec cégeps and their foreign partners: An institutional perspective
O Bégin-Caouette
Prospects 42, 91-112, 2012
The perceived contribution of early-career researchers to research production in Nordic higher education systems
O Bégin-Caouette, J Jansson, A Beaupré-Lavallée
Higher Education Policy 33, 777-798, 2020
University governance in Canada: Navigating complexity
J Eastman, GA Jones, C Trottier, O Bégin-Caouette
McGill-Queen's Press-MQUP, 2022
Globally networked learning environments as eduscapes for mutual understanding
O Bégin-Caouette
Critical Intersections in Education 1 (2), 54-70, 2013
Interplays between welfare regimes typology and academic research systems in OECD countries
O Bégin-Caouette, T Askvik, B Cui
Higher Education Policy 29, 287-313, 2016
Canada: The role of the university sector in national research and development
O Bégin-Caouette, GA Jones, GK Stephenson, AS Metcalfe
Universities in the knowledge society: The Nexus of National Systems of …, 2021
Analyse de la gouvernance systémique des universités au Québec et comparaisons avec quatre autres provinces canadiennes
O Bégin-Caouette, C Trottier, J Eastman, GA Jones, C Noumi, SX Li
Canadian Journal of Higher Education 48 (3), 1-22, 2018
The perceived impact of four funding streams on academic research production in Nordic countries: the perspectives of system actors
O Bégin-Caouette, EK Schmidt, CC Field
Science and Public Policy 44 (6), 789-801, 2017
Federalism and university governance in Canada
J Eastman, GA Jones, O Bégin‐Caouette, C Noumi, C Trottier
Canadian Public Administration 62 (2), 333-335, 2019
Think Locally, Act Globally: Comparing Urban, Suburban, and Rural Colleges' Internationalization: the Case of the CÉGEPS.
O Bègin-Caouette
College Quarterly 16 (4), n4, 2013
Teaching, research and the Canadian professoriate: Findings from the 2018 APIKS survey.
GK Stephenson, GA Jones, O Bégin-Caouette, AS Metcalfe
Higher Education Forum 17, 25-41, 2020
Le processus d’internationalisation des cégeps: Une analyse historique et géopolitique
O Bégin-Caouette
Canadian journal of higher education 48 (1), 99-117, 2018
Responding to change, assessing difference: A review of the literature on professors at Canadian universities
G Karram Stephenson, GA Jones, O Bégin-Caouette, A Metcalfe, A Toor
Valeurs éducatives des enseignants: Comparaison entre les milieux alternatifs et réguliers au lendemain de la réforme québécoise de l'éducation de 1997
O Bégin-Caouette, V Angers, SK Maghalaes-Grave
Canadian Journal of Education/Revue canadienne de l'éducation 34 (4), 3-19, 2011
Accountability measures in higher education and academic workload: A ten-year comparison
S Nakano, A Beaupré-Lavallée, O Bégin-Caouette
Brock education journal 30 (2), 116-116, 2021
The processes of designing and implementing globally networked learning environments and their implications on college instructors’ professional learning: The case of Québec CÉGEPs
O Bégin-Caouette, Y Khoo, M Afridi
Comparative and International Education 43 (3), 2015
International Students at Canadian Colleges: Emerging Trends.
O Legusov, H Jafar, O Bégin-Caouette
Journal of International Students 13 (3), 254-279, 2023
Quebec cégeps as Models of Social and Curricular Adaptation
A Beaupré-Lavallée, O Bégin-Caouette
Equity and access to high skills through higher vocational education, 215-237, 2022
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