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Scott T. Allison
Scott T. Allison
Professor Emeritus of Psychology, University of Richmond
richmond.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Social value orientation and helping behavior
CG McClintock, ST Allison
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 19, 353-362, 1989
Encyclopedia of Leadership: AE
GR Goethals, ST Allison
Sage, 2004
On being better but not smarter than others: The Muhammad Ali effect
ST Allison, DM Messick, GR Goethals
Social Cognition 7 (3), 275-295, 1989
Heroes: What they do and why we need them
ST Allison, GR Goethals
Oxford University Press, 2011
The uniqueness bias: Studies of constructive social comparison
GR Goethals, DM Messick, ST Allison
Social comparison: Contemporary theory and research, 149-176, 1991
Social decision heuristics in the use of shared resources
ST Allison, DM Messick
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 3 (3), 195-204, 1990
Making heroes: The construction of courage, competence, and virtue
GR Goethals, ST Allison
Advances in Experimental Social Psychology 46, 183-235, 2012
Cognitive load and the equality heuristic: A two-stage model of resource overconsumption in small groups
SG Roch, JAS Lane, CD Samuelson, ST Allison, JL Dent
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 83 (2), 185-212, 2000
Rooting for (and then abandoning) the underdog
JH Kim, ST Allison, D Eylon, GR Goethals, MJ Markus, SM Hindle, ...
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 38 (10), 2550-2573, 2008
The group attribution error
ST Allison, DM Messick
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 21 (6), 563-579, 1985
Hero worship: The elevation of the human spirit
ST Allison, GR Goethals
Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 46, 187-210, 2016
Effects of cost and social influence on warning compliance
MS Wogalter, ST Allison, NA McKenna
Human Factors 31 (2), 133-140, 1989
Heroism and mental health
ST Allison, A Cairo
Encyclopedia of Mental Health, 2016
Framing and communication effects on group members’ responses to environmental and social uncertainty
DM Messick, ST Allison, CD Samuelson
Applied Behavioral Economics 2, 677-700, 1988
Handbook of heroism and heroic leadership
ST Allison, GR Goethals, RM Kramer
Routledge, 2017
Cognitive factors affecting the use of social decision heuristics in resource-sharing tasks
CD Samuelson, ST Allison
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 58 (1), 1-27, 1994
Social decision making processes and the equal partitionment of shared resources
ST Allison, LR McQueen, LM Schaerfl
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 28 (1), 23-42, 1992
Heroism research: A review of theories, methods, challenges, and trends
ZE Franco, ST Allison, EL Kinsella, A Kohen, M Langdon, PG Zimbardo
Journal of Humanistic Psychology 58, 382-396, 2018
"Now he belongs to the ages": The heroic leadership dynamic and deep narratives of greatness
ST Allison, GR Goethals
Conceptions of Leadership, 2014
Heroic leadership: An influence taxonomy of 100 exceptional individuals
ST Allison, GR Goethals
Routledge, 2025
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