MLQ: Multifactor leadership questionnaire BJ Avolio, BM Bass Mind Garden, 2004 | 13479* | 2004 |
Improving organizational effectiveness through transformational leadership BM Bass, BJ Avolio sage, 1994 | 12711 | 1994 |
Authentic leadership development: Getting to the root of positive forms of leadership BJ Avolio, WL Gardner The leadership quarterly 16 (3), 315-338, 2005 | 9041* | 2005 |
Re‐examining the components of transformational and transactional leadership using the Multifactor Leadership BJ Avolio, BM Bass, DI Jung Journal of occupational and organizational psychology 72 (4), 441-462, 1999 | 8825* | 1999 |
Positive psychological capital: Measurement and relationship with performance and satisfaction F Luthans, BJ Avolio, JB Avey, SM Norman Personnel psychology 60 (3), 541-572, 2007 | 8388 | 2007 |
Psychological capital: Developing the human competitive edge F Luthans, CM Youssef, BJ Avolio Oxford university press, 2006 | 7114 | 2006 |
Predicting unit performance by assessing transformational and transactional leadership. BM Bass, BJ Avolio, DI Jung, Y Berson Journal of applied psychology 88 (2), 207, 2003 | 7101 | 2003 |
Authentic leadership: Development and validation of a theory-based measure FO Walumbwa, BJ Avolio, WL Gardner, TS Wernsing, SJ Peterson Journal of management 34 (1), 89-126, 2008 | 6706 | 2008 |
Leadership: Current theories, research, and future directions BJ Avolio, FO Walumbwa, TJ Weber Annual review of psychology 60 (1), 421-449, 2009 | 6319 | 2009 |
Transformational leadership and organizational culture BM Bass, BJ Avolio Public administration quarterly, 112-121, 1993 | 5849 | 1993 |
Unlocking the mask: A look at the process by which authentic leaders impact follower attitudes and behaviors BJ Avolio, WL Gardner, FO Walumbwa, F Luthans, DR May The leadership quarterly 15 (6), 801-823, 2004 | 4851 | 2004 |
Transformational leadership, transactional leadership, locus of control, and support for innovation: Key predictors of consolidated-business-unit performance. JM Howell, BJ Avolio Journal of applied psychology 78 (6), 891, 1993 | 4697 | 1993 |
“Can you see the real me?” A self-based model of authentic leader and follower development WL Gardner, BJ Avolio, F Luthans, DR May, F Walumbwa The leadership quarterly 16 (3), 343-372, 2005 | 4475 | 2005 |
Authentic leadership development F Luthans, BJ Avolio Positive organizational scholarship 241 (258), 1-26, 2003 | 4404 | 2003 |
Impact of transformational leadership on follower development and performance: A field experiment T Dvir, D Eden, BJ Avolio, B Shamir Academy of management journal 45 (4), 735-744, 2002 | 3914 | 2002 |
Context and leadership: An examination of the nine-factor full-range leadership theory using the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire J Antonakis, BJ Avolio, N Sivasubramaniam The leadership quarterly 14 (3), 261-295, 2003 | 3871 | 2003 |
Full leadership development: Building the vital forces in organizations BJ Avolio Sage, 1999 | 3804 | 1999 |
Transformational leadership and organizational commitment: Mediating role of psychological empowerment and moderating role of structural distance BJ Avolio, W Zhu, W Koh, P Bhatia Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2004 | 3557 | 2004 |
Transformational leadership: A response to critiques. BM Bass, BJ Avolio Academic Press, 1993 | 2969 | 1993 |
Transformational leadership development: Manual for the multifactor leadership questionnaire BM Bass, BJ Avolio Consulting Psychologists Press, 1990 | 2827 | 1990 |