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Vincent Rivalland
Vincent Rivalland
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Alıntı yapanlar
Retrieving surface soil moisture at high spatio-temporal resolution from a synergy between Sentinel-1 radar and Landsat thermal data: A study case over bare soil
A Amazirh, O Merlin, S Er-Raki, Q Gao, V Rivalland, Y Malbeteau, ...
Remote sensing of environment 211, 321-337, 2018
Modelling forest transpiration and CO2 fluxes—Response to soil moisture stress
JC Calvet, V Rivalland, C Picon-Cochard, JM Guehl
Agricultural and forest meteorology 124 (3-4), 143-156, 2004
Crops’ water use efficiencies in temperate climate: Comparison of stand, ecosystem and agronomical approaches
T Tallec, P Béziat, N Jarosz, V Rivalland, E Ceschia
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 168, 69-81, 2013
A software tool for atmospheric correction and surface temperature estimation of Landsat infrared thermal data
B Tardy, V Rivalland, M Huc, O Hagolle, S Marcq, G Boulet
Remote Sensing 8 (9), 696, 2016
The SPARSE model for the prediction of water stress and evapotranspiration components from thermal infra-red data and its evaluation over irrigated and rainfed wheat
G Boulet, B Mougenot, JP Lhomme, P Fanise, Z Lili-Chabaane, A Olioso, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 19 (11), 4653-4672, 2015
An analytical model of evaporation efficiency for unsaturated soil surfaces with an arbitrary thickness
O Merlin, A Al Bitar, V Rivalland, P Béziat, E Ceschia, G Dedieu
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 50 (2), 457-471, 2011
An empirical expression to relate aerodynamic and surface temperatures for use within single-source energy balance models
G Boulet, A Olioso, E Ceschia, O Marloie, B Coudert, V Rivalland, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 161, 148-155, 2012
On the use of hydrological models and satellite data to study the water budget of river basins affected by human activities: examples from the Garonne Basin of France
E Martin, S Gascoin, Y Grusson, C Murgue, M Bardeau, F Anctil, S Ferrant, ...
Surveys in Geophysics 37, 223-247, 2016
Modified Penman–Monteith equation for monitoring evapotranspiration of wheat crop: Relationship between the surface resistance and remotely sensed stress index
A Amazirh, S Er-Raki, A Chehbouni, V Rivalland, A Diarra, S Khabba, ...
Biosystems engineering 164, 68-84, 2017
Evaluation of a simple approach for crop evapotranspiration partitioning and analysis of the water budget distribution for several crop species
P Béziat, V Rivalland, T Tallec, N Jarosz, G Boulet, P Gentine, E Ceschia
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 177, 46-56, 2013
Extracting soil water holding capacity parameters of a distributed agro-hydrological model from high resolution optical satellite observations series
S Ferrant, V Bustillo, E Burel, J Salmon-Monviola, M Claverie, N Jarosz, ...
Remote Sensing 8 (2), 154, 2016
Agro-hydrology and multi-temporal high-resolution remote sensing: toward an explicit spatial processes calibration
S Ferrant, S Gascoin, A Veloso, J Salmon-Monviola, M Claverie, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18 (12), 5219-5237, 2014
Surface energy balance and flux partitioning of annual crops in southwestern France
O Dare-Idowu, A Brut, J Cuxart, T Tallec, V Rivalland, B Zawilski, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 308, 108529, 2021
Multi-scale evaluation of the TSEB model over a complex agricultural landscape in Morocco
J Elfarkh, J Ezzahar, S Er-Raki, V Simonneaux, B Ait Hssaine, S Rachidi, ...
Remote Sensing 12 (7), 1181, 2020
Transpiration and CO2 fluxes of a pine forest: modelling the undergrowth effect
V Rivalland, JC Calvet, P Berbigier, Y Brunet, A Granier
Annales Geophysicae 23 (2), 291-304, 2005
On the utility of high-resolution soil moisture data for better constraining thermal-based energy balance over three semi-arid agricultural areas
B Ait Hssaine, A Chehbouni, S Er-Raki, S Khabba, J Ezzahar, N Ouaadi, ...
Remote Sensing 13 (4), 727, 2021
Modeling actual water use under different irrigation regimes at district scale: Application to the FAO-56 dual crop coefficient method
LE Olivera-Guerra, P Laluet, V Altés, C Ollivier, Y Pageot, G Paolini, ...
Agricultural Water Management 278, 108119, 2023
Assimilation of SMAP disaggregated soil moisture and Landsat land surface temperature to improve FAO-56 estimates of ET in semi-arid regions
A Amazirh, S Er-Raki, N Ojha, E houssaine Bouras, V Rivalland, O Merlin, ...
Agricultural Water Management 260, 107290, 2022
Evaluation and aggregation properties of thermal infra-red-based evapotranspiration algorithms from 100 m to the km scale over a semi-arid irrigated agricultural area
M Bahir, G Boulet, A Olioso, V Rivalland, B Gallego-Elvira, M Mira, ...
Remote Sensing 9 (11), 1178, 2017
Effects of high spatial and temporal resolution Earth observations on simulated hydrometeorological variables in a cropland (southwestern France)
J Etchanchu, V Rivalland, S Gascoin, J Cros, T Tallec, A Brut, G Boulet
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 21 (11), 5693-5708, 2017
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